Ana exhaled in disappointment when he pulled out, but her eyes widened again in delight when he gripped his cock and ran the head along her clit in teasing circles.

Her eyes threatened to close, but she braced, gripping the sheets tight enough to rip them from the corners of his bed.

“You deserve to feel pleasure. You deserve everything. Look at me, Anastazja.”

Her breaths were labored, as stilted as the rest of her. But she set her eyes on his with a look so vulnerable, it was time to reward her for it.

Tyr crawled on his hands and knees, relishing the heave of her breasts as she panted through her confusion. With his eyes still fixed toward hers, he licked his lips and glided his tongue from ass to clit in long, deliberate passes. Once. Twice. Three times. He felt every muscle in her legs tighten and watched her belly go concave from tightening. When he was satisfied she’d been patient long enough, he breathed deep and sucked her swollen bud through his teeth, the way she’d always loved.

Ana’s scream rocked the cabin. She thrashed into her release but he held tight, his arms hooked around her thighs as she came undone. He didn’t relent when her orgasm faded to spasms, and it was a short climb before she was moaning and crying his name, coming again and again.

Tyr sat back on his heels and ran his tongue along his lips to taste her again. He climbed over her, but she peeled up off the bed with a feral squint and shoved him backward. Before he could topple off the end, she lunged for him and dragged him back, shoved his cock to the back of her throat, and slurped and whimpered as her fingers dug against his ass to drive him even deeper. Stars exploded behind his eyes, every inch of him roaring to life in the most intense stab of pleasure he’d ever known. He feared choking her, but she dug her fingers deeper, like it wasn’t enough for her, and as she peered up, her pupils blown, he spilled his release along her tongue and down her throat.

Somehow, spent as he was, he still found himself back on his hands and knees, backing her up until she was again lying down, pliant, her legs spread in anticipation. He settled between them again, nestling inside her.

“You deserve pleasure as well.” Ana’s words were cropped, incomplete from the force of his lovemaking. “You deserve everything.”

Tyr slowed his pace and spread his palms down her face, planting them on either side of her head on the pillow. “Ihaveeverything. I have you.”

Sadness crept into her eyes. Her lips moved without speaking. He didn’t need her to say anything, because everything she was thinking lived in her tortured expression.

“I love you, Ana. And I believe, with my whole soul, that there is nothing in this world more powerful than a heart that beats for another.”

Ana brought her hands around his and peeled them away from the pillow. She turned to the side with a pained sob. “Will you hold me, Tyreste?”

“Will I hold you?” He drew a shaky breath. “Of course. Of course I’ll hold you.” He slid out, but she shook her head.

“Stay inside. All night if you can,” she said. “Until morning.”

Tyr blinked his own fresh tears away and nodded. “I can do that.”

He carefully moved in behind her and tugged his quilt over the both of them. Her smooth, warm flesh fit so perfectly against his, he wondered how they’d never held each other like that before—how they’d wasted so much fucking time protecting their wounded hearts from clinging to something real.

When he found the perfect spot, he entered her and secured himself in place. He tangled one leg through hers to keep them joined and nuzzled his face between her shoulders. “Like this?”

Ana murmured something in a sleepy, distant voice. She trailed a hand along her outer thigh, offering it to him, and he laced his fingers with hers. “I want to feel... your seed inside of me. I want to wake up with it inside of me.”

Tyr swallowed back a furious wave of desire. Thatwasn’t what she’d asked for. But even the slightest movement from her had him baring down, fighting another swift finish. Each moment was exquisite torture, every slide against her tight, warm pussy a gift and a curse.

“Don’t hold back,” Ana said, reading him as well as he’d been reading her all night. “Give it to me.”

He rocked into her with a climax even more powerful than the last, giving her everything he had left. When the release subsided, he snuggled her, creating a tight seal between their bodies he hoped would hold all night. The sound she made when they locked into perfect place, a contented sigh, made all the rest seem so inconsequential.

She was his, and he was hers, and no matter what he’d said, he would never be satisfied with just tonight.

Tyr was prepared to die if it was what the Guardians demanded, but he was never, ever again turning his back on the keeper of his heart.





Kissed by Happiness

The delicious aroma of pan-fried bread and Tyreste’s famous hot cider stirred Ana from the best sleep she’d had in years. She rolled forward in the bed, a touch sore, the throb between her legs reminding her how she’d spent her slumber hours.