“A cellar,” Ana mused aloud. “And you say she spends time down there?”

“Doing what, I cannot say.”

She set the mug on the nearby table and cocked her head. “What has this to do with my fear of her?”

“Are you more scared of what you know she’s capable of, or what you do not?”

Ana didn’t bother answering.

“The mystery of her terrifies you. Thepotential.But if you discover what she’s truly about, then there will be no mystery. And when you learn to control your fear, she can no longer feast upon it.” Ludya rose from the chair. “Never forget, Nessaisyou. You created her for a reason, but you do not need her to become who you were meant to be. And when Magda has nothing left to take, then you will know what true power is.”

Ludya went to the door and nodded but didn’t bow. Ana had never liked deference from the staff, and Ludya was one of the few who respected her wish to be treated as an equal. “Sleep, Anastazja. Whisper to the Ancestors your need for clarity. And tomorrow, you will have more than you left the day with.”

Tyr couldn’t hear himself think over the rabble of conversation filling the tavern, which was stuffed shoulder to shoulder for the sendoff. Pernilla and her husband Drago held court near the bar, each carrying one of their children. Evert was surrounded by a large huddle of mates, all of them doubled over in laughter, probably about something inappropriate.

Tyr nursed his ale, swaying mindlessly to the music. His mother had hired a Vjestik ensemble for the evening, and the group was alternating between lively choral arrangements and cheerless dirges.

Adeline’s waving drew his attention. A smile formed at the corner of his mouth as he made his way toward her.

Is this music as loud as it seems?she signed.

Tyr blew out a breath with an exaggerated nod, making her giggle.Can’t understand a word of it. They’re singing in Vjestikaan.

What if they’re singing about wulf orgies or something? Would we ever know?

Tyr laughed and took another swig from his mug.I might enjoy that.

Plenty of Vjestik here tonight. Watch their expressions.

But there was nothing but the flush of ale and rousing conversation when he looked out into the swarm of people who had come to say good-bye to Pernilla, Drago, and Evert. At first he’d thought they’d come just for Drago, but Pernilla and Evert had just as many hugs and well-wishes.

We’ve become a part of this village, for better or worse,his father said from time to time, and Tyr at last understood the meaning.Home is where we make it. Family is who we choose.

Seeing so many gathered was what finally made Tyr realize he was losing a big part of his family, when he’d only just gotten them back. Five years with them didn’t make up for the three that had been stolen.

“Your new girlfriend is here,” Rikard said on his way to Evert’s group of mates. He turned back toward Tyr and nodded at the door before moving on with a rousingwhoop!

She’s not your girlfriend. You know that, right?Adeline said with a pointed glance.

Tyr shrugged, sighed, and moved toward the door. He didn’t see her at first, but then he clocked her standing alone near a window ledge with a faraway look. Her dark hair was pulled forward over one shoulder, both of her hands combing through it in almost tugging passes.

“Nessa.” Tyr squeezed through the crowd and stepped in beside her. “You came.”

Her expression changed so fast, he didn’t know what to make of it. She rolled her bottom lip in and out of her mouth and lit up with a bright smile. “Of course I came.”

He tried to respond, but for the briefest, strangest moment, he could have sworn he was looking at Ana.

Your mind is playing tricks. They’re cousins. Of course there are similarities.

“Something wrong?” she asked.

“No,” he said quickly. “Not at all. I’m glad you’re here.”

She gestured around with an appraising nod. “This is quite the turnout. Your family has truly won over the Cross. They don’t always take so kindly to stranjak.”

Tyr whistled. “I’ve watched them run more than one family of outsiders out of this village.”

“The Penhallows must give more than they take,” she said and went silent, her attention returning to the crowd instead. She seemed almost like she was looking for someone. “Your brother brings honor to your entire family. What did you say his apprenticeship was for again?”