“Very well.” He tilted his head. “I will not ask you to lie for me. You would lie, if I posed this question directly, and that would not do at all for our new relationship, would it? So instead of asking you whether your heart istrulyinvested in my vision, when I already know your answer, I will instead ask you this: If you could end the murder of the Ravenwoods and the persecution of your loved ones by doing one simple thing for me, would you do it?”

You must know the price.

“In exchange for... for what?”

“Answer the question, Anastazja.”

You must know the price!

“But the question is impossible to answer without knowing what must be given in return,” she stated. She linked her sweaty palms behind her back. One hand wouldn’t stop shaking. “My father would say no good deal was ever struck without first understanding the weight of the bargain.”

“Has your father done much bargaining with a Meduwyn?”

Ana could only shake her head.

“No, for if he had, he might not be caught in the sway of a creature hardly worthy to eat at his table. So I will ask you once more andonlyonce more. Your answer will be final and will determine whether we speak again or whether I trust in your koldyna to deliver what I require instead.” Mortain’s chin lifted. Something traveled the length of his throat, moving in anticipation of his next words, and she realized hewantedher to see it. “Will you do this one thing for me, and in return, be rid of Magda forever? You would get your father back. Your brother. The tavern boy not fit to lick your boots but whom I will not begrudge your love for. They can all be yours again. What say you?”

You must refuse! It only seems like a gift because he knows to name the terms would repel you. There is no bargain to be made—with a demon—that comes with a price any less than the ownership of your entire soul. If there is anyone who would know, Ana, it is me. His daughter.


Had Ana dared hope that was who had visited her across time, imparting wisdom? Could she trust it was even Imryll at all and not a fulfillment of her desperation?

“Anastazja? Your answer?”

I’m sorry, Imryll. Ancestors. Magda dangled all three of my beloveds as threats, but Mortain offers them as a promise. There is no cost, not even my own life, that would not be worth paying.

Forgive me.

Ana pinched her shoulders back and boldly met the sorcerer’s icy gaze. “I accept your offer.”

Her breath suddenly caught in her throat. She swatted at it in futile slaps, choking and gasping. Mortain watched her suffering with the same lineless expression he’d worn all along.

Ana lowered to her knees and pitched forward, still clutching her neck. The room darkened, and she felt her life slip away, inch by inch.

Then, abruptly, it stopped. She wheezed in, swallowing enough air to render her dizzy.

“Thatwas not the price,” he said with a lighthearted chuckle. “That was merely a demonstration of my authority over you now. I will not exercise it unless you give me cause to, but you now understand how simple it is for me to reach across time and space and take anything I want.”

“Then... what...” Ana couldn’t speak.

“What must you do in exchange for my gift?” Mortain asked. “Magda’s efforts, as with the efforts of all who came before her, have failed, over and over and over again. They have failed because the Ravenwood blood that was once so vital to the Wynter legacy has dimmed over the years. We must replenish it.Youmust replenish it.”

What? Her throat was too swollen to speak, so she mouthed the word.Your purpose has shifted,she heard Magda say.

“The raven you feed and keep will become your mate. With him, you will bring me heir upon heir upon heir, until I am satisfied your body is too spent to bring another life into the world. And onthatday, Anastazja, I’ll release you from your fruitful obligation, and you may enjoy whatever is left of your life in whatever way you see fit.” Mortain stretched closer to the mirror. He seemed like he would climb out of it altogether, but she was too paralyzed to move aside. “If you decide reneging on your word is more to your benefit, then you will find your hands about the necks of those you love dearest. Your cruelty will be the last thing they see as you choke the life from their miserable existences. And then I will possess you utterly, and you will become the vessel you promised to be, atmycommand.”

Mortain bowed his head. “You will soon see I am a creature of my word. Magda will not trouble you a moment longer. Until we speak again.”

The sorcerer disappeared.

Ana passed out.

Grigor hesitated before entering the Tavern at the Top of the World. He’d never enjoyed ale. Crowds. People. He could turn on the charm when conditions demanded it, but avoiding such conditions was its own form of magic, one he’d perfected.

He’d left the Cross after Ksana died. Thrown himself into helping Arkhady establish more and better trade lines in the other Reaches.I want to be useful,he’d said. Guilt, though, had been the real catalyst.

Guilt had brought him back to the Cross when Ana had started to go downhill, and it compelled him to enter the tavern, again and again and again, to keep watch over the Penhallows.