Then be Nessa until you can be Ana again.Adeline thrust an arm in the direction of Tyreste’s cabin.Until you can make it right with him.

But Ana would never get the chance.

Better to let Adeline linger in hope than to tell her Ana only had months left to the world. Less if she could help Magda finish her experiments.

Good night then, Addy.

Good night. Ana.

Adeline spun and marched back toward the tavern.


The Blood on Her Hands

Ludya was standing in the courtyard at Fanghelm when Ana swooped down. Her dread returned as swiftly as her vedhma’s harried approach.

“What? What’s happened?”

“It’s your father.” Ludya glanced to the sides before continuing. “He’s taken ill.”

Ana charged past, but Ludya caught her in a firm hold.

“Listen to me, and listen carefully,” Ludya said evenly. Her arm was still pinning Ana back, but her hold softened. “You and I both know who is behind this foul happening. If you go running to your father, furious and sobbing, she wins.”

Ana’s mouth fell open in disbelief. Her gaze fluttered to the double doors. “How can Inotgo to my father, Ludya? How bad is it?”

“He could recover, if she allowed it. She created his illness. She can cure it just as easily.” Ludya’s muscles stiffened again when Ana tried to break free. “Listen,Anastazja. She is trying to incite you. She knows you’re pulling away. Becoming defiant.”


“And she will keep digging the hole and burying your life, piece by piece, if you let her.”

Ana staggered back, staring at the doors, at the empty courtyard, and at Ludya. The blood left her face, plummeting toward her feet. Magda had sent her brother away—incapacitated her father. Ana didn’t even want to consider what might come next. “I’ve done... I’ve done everything she’s asked me to do.”

Ludya lowered her voice. “Then consider she’s preparing you for what she hasn’t yet asked because she knows it will be a much harder persuasion to make.”

“How could it beharderthan it’s already been?” Ana’s voice screeched as she tugged at her curls, fidgeting in place. “Unless she kills us all, but she needs at least one of us, doesn’t she?”

“She’s been threatening you, using your father and brother... leading your mind down a path of fear.” Ludya pursed her mouth. “But what if those are merely diversions?”


“Diversions, Anastazja. There’s an old Vjestik saying. ‘If they’re looking at the blood on my face, they miss the blood on my hands.’”

Ana tilted her head upward with an exasperated exhale. “I’m so tired, Ludya. So cursed tired.”

Ludya lowered her arm back to her side and moved closer. “She has you so worried about your father and brother, you haven’t stopped to wonder what she wants withyou.”

Ana grunted. “Iknowwhat she wants with me.”

“If you were truly the nuisance she has claimed you are, she’d have killed you already. She has two other heirs at her disposal.Pliantheirs. And when they’re gone, there will be other Wynters. Why does she need you? And why has she not been successful at taking over your mind, as she has with them?”

Ana crossed her arms and looked away. She was far too distracted to grasp her vedhma’spoint. No matter what Ludya said, no matter how it played into Magda’s plan, Ana had to see her father. If Magda murdered him, she would never forgive herself. “I don’t claim to know what goes on in that monster’s head.”

“You should take the time to learn.” Ludya turned toward the entrance. “Fight the instinct to visit Arkhady. You will only waste time when you have so little. In your mind, you’ve already surrendered. Offered her the victory she’s already confident in achieving. But in your heart...” Ludya turned back. She pulled one of Ana’s arms free and placed her hand over her heart. “You know there’s a way. There’s always a way.”

“And if...” Ana forced the well of emotion back. There was an entire ocean of feelings waiting to be addressed, but the void inside her was more useful. She could shove the rest into it and come back for it all later. “If you’re wrong?”