Drained, she searched for a place to land, but the dark keep was still too lively for her to use any of the common entrances. She’d chanced a return to the cave to see if Magda had left her clothing behind, but it wasn’t there. There was no way she was flying back to the observatory to do another search. But she couldn’t waltz into the keep naked either.

There wasonething she could do, but she was so exhausted...

She settled her phoenix between some crenulations of the north battlement. Once she’d verified no one was watching, she soared past a dozing sentry and unfurled just as she reached the top of a long stairwell used only by guards coming to and from their posts. When she was sure he wasn’t going to look her way, she pressed her hands to her chest, closed her eyes, and focused on how shewantedto look.

Dark, wavy hair. Big blue eyes, like a doe. Skin fresh as snow. A touch of red in the pout. A gown stitched with all those colors but also the bright yellow of the sun.

A soft shimmer passed through the cold air, prickling her flesh. She drew in a shaky inhale, and upon breathing out, she glanced down to find herself much changed.

Ana was too tired to hold the illusion for long, so she darted down the circular staircase. Sweat streamed down her temples. She missed several steps and went inelegantly stumbling down to the nearest landing, twisting her ankle. Dark stars splattered behind her eyes, but she couldn’t stop. She couldn’t stop until she reached her room, and eventhenit might not be safe, if Magda was there waiting for her.

She rounded the hall, made sure it was clear, and ran, shivering, the rest of the way to her apartments. The illusion of clothing was not the same thing as clothing itself, and she couldn’t wait to wrap herself in something warm.

With a hard shove, she flung the doors inward and turned with a huff allowing the trickery to fade away. She grabbed one of her cloaks off the rack and wrap it around her before sinking onto the closest chair.


She whipped her head up and scrambled to her feet. Niko was perched on the edge of her bed with a heavy, indecipherable look that killed her tears instantly.

“Were younakedwhen you came in here?”

“It’s a...” She wiped her eyes and pulled her shoulders back. Forced a smile. “Long story, Niko. You know me. Can’t help getting myself into strange binds.”

Niko’s hands were folded in his lap, his eyes aimed her way but fixed on the door behind her. His soft blond hair fell in waves over his shoulders, the longest it had ever been because the koldyna liked it that way. “Would it have something to do with the way you sabotaged Magda’s work today?”

“The way I—” Ana’s laugh stuck in her throat. “Is that what she told you?”

“She tells me everything.”

Ana tightened her cloak. “Tells you lies, you mean. They’reallshe knows, Niko. She—”

“She said you’d say that.” He shook his head as he lowered it. The angle and darkness of the room obscured his face.

“And you believe her over your own sister? Your twin?”

“She’s not... notwrong,Ana. You haven’t been yourself since she arrived. I know you’re angry she’s replaced Oma—”

Ana laughed so hard, it turned into unintelligible sputters. “She couldneverreplace Oma! She has no warmth, no nurturing, no kindness in her. All she does is take and take—”

“And what do you do? You leave Fanghelm all day, return every night. Where are you when Father needs you? When I need you?”

“That’s not fair.” Ana balked, standing taller. “I don’t go skipping around town without a care in the world. Most of the time, I’m doingherbidding. Doing things I could never tell you, and even if I did, you’d never believe me, would you? She’s gotten her claws into you, and now you’ll do or say or believe anything she tells you. I’m curious, what doesshesay we’re doing in the foothills?”

Niko sighed, an exhausted sound. “Her workshop is where she mixes her ointments and tinctures. Where she does good, healing work. If you would listen to yourself, you’re implying saving lives is a mortal sin.”

“Saving lives.” Ana snorted. She stepped closer, the stones like ice against her aching soles. “Have you everbeento her workshop, Niko?”

“Nien. Of course not.” His chin tucked downward in offense. “I would never go unless she invited me.”

“Not even a little curious?”

“I have no reason to doubt anything she tells me,” Niko said evenly. He sighed and shook his head.

Ana’s eyes welled with tears. She looked away. “It’s only me you don’t trust, right?Me,your confidant. Your closest friend. The other half of your soul. The one who has never, ever betrayed you, and never would.”The one who would, and will, die for you.

“Ana.” Niko pushed to his feet. He continued staring past her as he approached. She couldn’t think too hard about the way his eyes used to light up with vibrancy and life... the infectious, bombastic laugh that lightened her heart no matter how foul her mood. That young man was gone. What remained was a husk, a creature who looked like her brother but wasn’t. “Apologize to Magda, or you and I have nothing more to say to one another.”

He never met her eyes as he yanked open the doors and walked away.