Page 47 of The Baron to Break

He looked down at her then, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “You really think that?”

“I know that,” she answered, kissing him then. “You are the best man I’ve ever met. Which is why, even though she’s the wickedest of mothers, you are going to give her enough care to see that she lives long enough to enjoy prison.”

He kissed her then, long and lingering and full of passion. “You saved my life tonight, Em.”

“You saved mine first. More than once.” She kissed him back.

“Yes, but you were braver than I ever imagined.”

Had she been? That made her smile. “I’ve always wanted to be brave.” What she really wanted was to be the creator of her own circumstance. And here she was. Marrying the man of her heart after besting two villains.

“And a wife. Do you still want to be that?”

“Your wife?” she asked with a smile. “With all my heart.”

He kissed her one last time before setting her down and crossing to his mother, scooping her up.

Emily followed behind him after she’d retrieved the woman’s pistol from the ground. It was finally over.

Jacob let out a long breath of air. It was good that he’d slept several hours that afternoon, he’d needed that energy for tonight.

Though he could kick himself for not telling Emily about Tinderwell right away. He should have. He’d not withheld it intentionally, they’d just grown distracted and… He raked a hand through his hair before opening the door to his room.

Making Emily his had seemed more important than anything else. He could admit that. He closed the door again, remembering how Emily had fought for him today, saved him. He didn’t deserve her, he was certain of that ,but he’d do his utmost to worship her if she’d still have him.

He wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t.

He’d nearly allowed her to be hurt tonight and worst of all, she’d seen the darkest part of him up close and personal. His own mother had attempted to murder him.

What did that say about him that she’d willingly destroy her own son?


His head snapped up and that was when he saw Emily sitting on his bed, a night rail floating about her body. “Sweetheart, you should be in bed.”

“I am in bed,” she said with a laugh as she reached out a hand to him. “Come join me.”

He paused, looking at her propped up on his pillows, her ankles crossed and her bare feet poking out from the bottom of her gown.

He’d like to touch every inch of her, map her body with his hands. But she needed to carefully consider before they went any further. “Em. I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?”

“Because,” he said as he blew out a rough breath. “You saw the darkness that surrounds my life tonight. Do you really want to touch that? Be part of it?”

Her answer was to raise both arms up to him, beckoning him closer. This time he moved, drawn to her and unable to stay away.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he pressed his torso to hers, letting her arms wrap about him. “She isn’t you, Jacob. And somehow, despite being raised by her, you’re still a wonderfully strong and caring man. She doesn’t define you and don’t let yourself think that she does.”

His eyes squeezed shut as he buried his face into the crick of Emily’s neck. How had she known those were the words he needed to hear? “I worry that she does. That she lives in me. That—”

Her lips danced across his forehead. “What I see is a man who is fiercely loyal to his friends and the people he cares about. Who works hard and requires very little for himself. Do you see those things in yourself too?”

He lifted his head then to look in her eyes. Her words were like a balm and as their gazes locked, she gave him a gentle smile, the sort that tugged at his heart. Her eyes were soft and warm and her hands skimming over his back and then up his neck to hold his face were achingly gentle.

“Emily,” his voice was rough with emotion as he leaned in to gently kiss her. “I love you, sweetheart.”

She gasped in a breath even as he pressed his mouth to hers. But as he pulled back, she looked at him again. “I love you, too. So much.”