Page 35 of The Baron to Break

Jacob tried not to roll his eyes. “Explain.”

The man stuck the other cheroot back in this pocket. “It was in the tray across the desk. Could be the killer’s.”

Jacob didn’t bother to argue that it could have been from any client the day before.

“Tell me again why you were there at Barrow’s office, my lord.” Tromley gave him a once over glance.

He sighed. He’d been asked this question three times at least. “My intended is his client. Miss Emily Cranston. He was helping to settle her parent’s estate…the viscount and viscountess passed recently.” He knew the lie of Emily being his intended was hemming them both in. But this was murder…and he was in the middle of it.

“And were you happy with his services?”

No. Not in the least, but he wasn’t very well going to say that. “She’d hardly begun to retain them. I escorted her and her aunt to the country and then came back to learn the details from Mister Barrow. That’s when I found him.”

The man gave a nod, appearing satisfied. “Of course. My apologies and thank you for your cooperation.” The inspector finally rose and after saying his goodbyes, left.

Jacob had shared most of the information he’d learned with the family’s butler, needing to explain why he’d returned and why he needed to, once again, go through the baron’s intimate papers.

But he hadn’t been in the man’s office more than a quarter hour when a knock sounded at the door.

The butler appeared. “My lord, a Lord Tinderwell is here.”

“Tinderwell?” The name sounded familiar. It tickled at some memory.

“A former suitor of Miss Cranston’s,” he frowned.

“Tell me more.”

“Third son of a marquess, and a merchant.” The butler stepped closer into the room. “His interest in Miss Cranston was keen but…” The man looked up at the ceiling.

Jacob rose from his seat. “Go ahead, Michaels. Now isn’t the time to hold anything back.”

“I don’t like the man,” the butler said in a rush of air. “He’s hard, arrogant and…” The other man stopped. “I’m glad you’re here, my lord.”

Jacob gave a quick nod. At least someone was. “Thank you.”

The butler exited the room and returned minutes later with Lord Tinderwell.

Jacob rose, the hard, scoffing look on the other man’s face instantly making Jacob dislike him. This was a man they’d considered marrying to Emily? He’d never allow a man like this to touch her, get anywhere near her.

“Robinson,” Tinderwell growled. “We finally meet.”

Finally? What the hell did that mean? “A pleasure. I’m sure.”

The man came in and sat down without an invitation. “I see you’ve made yourself at home.”

Jacob ignored the barb. “And you. Do you visit often?”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I came to check on Miss Cranston. With her loss…”

“I didn’t see you at the funeral.”

Hard grey eyes stared back at him. “Where is Emily? I’d like to see her.”

Something uncomfortable unfurled inside him, his fingertips tingling. “With her aunt in the country.”

“Hmmm,” the other man said and then he pulled his cheroot case from his vest pocket, flipping open the lid and pulling a cheroot out. “Is that really true?”

Jacob recognized the size, texture, and color of the wrapping. It was the exact same kind as the one the inspector had just showed him.