Page 30 of The Baron to Break

Wingate gave a quick nod as he gestured for everyone to head inside. Discreetly, Jacob’s fingers skittered down her spine. She wished she could lean into him, draw from his strength.

Aubrey turned back to look at her, her gaze filled with worry as her blonde hair brushed down one of her shoulders.

Emily gave her a weak smile.

It was so good to see her friend and to be safe, but she knew they were about to answer a great many questions.

Some about her family, but many about Jacob and their journey here. Emily wasn’t prepared to discuss any of these things.

“Let me do all the talking,” Jacob whispered as if he’d read her thoughts. “What you need now is rest.”

She gave an appreciative nod. Much as she wanted to be strong, she was tired and the grief she’d been holding back was bubbling to the surface once again.

She had to confess when she’d insisted he not return to London, she had worried about his safety. But even more than that…

She just wanted him near. And that was a problem, one that was sure to cause even more grief and hurt.

Emily seemed to be crumbling now that they’d arrived. Who could blame her?

Despite the circumstances, she’d been incredibly strong. Which wasn’t what he’d originally expected from her. He’d expected her to be soft, with all her other sweet traits, but underneath her goodness was a spine made of granite.

It was one more piece of her he admired greatly. But she needed support now and he wanted to wrap her in his embrace and hold her until all the tears he was certain she’d bottled up had been spent.

But he couldn’t do that here and so he walked as close as he could. “You’re all right. No one will hurt you here.”

She gave him a pained look but remained silent as they climbed the stairs, moving past the massive door, and into the grand foyer.

Even Jacob looked up into the bright and soaring ceilings as their footfalls echoed over the marble floor.

They made their way into a sitting room, Jacob taking the seat next to Emily on a settee. Aubrey sat in a chair near the fire, Wingate standing behind her, as Clara slid into the seat opposite the duchess.

His hand naturally slid across the back of the settee, not quite touching Emily but his fingers a whisper away from her back.

“Tell me everything,” Nick murmured, his friend’s dark eyes fixed on Jacob.

Jacob started, recalling everything he could remember about Barrow and his mother, the jewels, and the attempted robbery.

When he’d finished, silence fell across the room. He looked at Emily, her eyes had drifted closed.

“Where are these jewels?” Nick asked, his gaze shifting from Jacob to Emily and back again.

“Tucked in my corset,” Emily answered, speaking for the first time in several minutes.

“And the paperwork?”

“In the crate that was in the carriage,” Jacob answered for her.

“Bring it all in,” Nick called, several servants materializing to fill the request.

A tea service was also brought in as well as a tray of sandwiches and Jacob leaned closer to Emily’s ear. “Eat, sweetheart.”

She shook her head. “I don’t why I’m struggling today. I was trying to get here and now that we are…”

He understood. He couldn’t keep his fingers from brushing her dress in comfort.

Her head dipped as she gave a quick nod and then drew in a shuddering breath.

“We need to get a few details straight,” Nick said as the crate was brought in. “Robinson and I can look through all of this paperwork this afternoon.”