Page 14 of The Baron to Break

“Thank you,” she murmured softly. She knew he did all of this for Ashton, but she still appreciated his care. He’d done more for her than anyone else since her loss and this journey had certainly distracted her when she’d needed it most.

“You’re welcome,” he answered, cocking his head to the side. “And just out of curiosity, what do you know of my reputation?”

She lifted one shoulder, casting her gaze to the ground. “Well. I’ve heard the word rake bandied about a time or two.”

He stepped up to her, his forefinger coming up to her chin to lift her face until she was looking in his eyes again. “Emily.”

His green gaze seemed to penetrate her soul, her breath held captive in her lungs as she waited. “Yes?”

“You’re safe with me, I can assure you. I would never hurt you. Ashton—”

“Yes, yes.” She ignored the bit of hurt that pulsed through her chest. “You’d never do anything to hurt him. I know.” Why did that bother her?

“Right.” His mouth pressed into a thin line. “Now let’s leave, shall we? Our departure has already been delayed.”

She turned for a moment, walking in front of him, before spinning back. Only he’d already taken a step forward and she found herself crashing into his chest, his arms wrapping about her to steady her.

“Oh, Jacob, I’m sorry.” Her chin tilted up and then she was captured in his gaze again, only this time he was so close that his scent wrapped about her. It was masculine with tones of sandalwood but there was a hint of cinnamon that had her breathing deeply.

And then there was the sight of his lips, so close and so tempting.

“There is nothing to apologize for. Did you forget something?”

She nodded, taking a careful step back but she instantly missed his heat. Giving herself a little shake, she reached into her reticule and pulled out a ruby bracelet. “I got this for Aunt Clara.”

He blinked several times, looking down at the twinkling jewel. “Clara?”

She nodded. “As payment. I’ve no idea what’s it worth but—”

“I don’t need your assistance in paying my aunt.” His voice had taken on a hard edge that had her taking another half step back, her brow scrunching in confusion.

“But,” she said, then licked her lips. “She’s coming for my benefit.”

He reached for the bracelet and then her reticule, tossing the bracelet inside again. “First, you’ve no idea what that piece is worth. Second, you might need it for yourself, we’ll still not entirely certain. Third, what if someone misses it and wants an accounting of where it went?”

“I’ll tell them I buried my mother in it.”

“Oh, that’s not bad, actually.” But then he gave his head a hard shake. “And last, but most important, I take care of you. You do not need to care for me.”

Her mouth opened and closed. Why would that be? It made no sense. “But you don’t have any funds. Clara said—”

“I know what Clara said,” he barked back, making her spine snap straight.

“You don’t have to be rude. I was trying to help.”

“I don’t need that kind of help, not from you.” And then he stepped up to her, his hand at her back, turning her back toward the door and propelling her forward. “I will see you to Wingate, I will pay my aunt, and then I will come back here to discover why Barrow is giving us the run around.”

“And what is my job?” she asked, stopping in the hall until she forced him to stop as well.

He scowled. “I don’t know. Your job is to—”

She waved him off. “Let me guess. To look pretty. To behave myself. To do as I’m told.” Her booted foot gave a small stomp under her skirts. “Look where that got me,” she said, opening her arms to show her travelling clothes.

Then she started back down the hall again toward the entry, leaving him standing in the same spot. In this moment, she felt herself leaning toward a decision for her future. She was not going to be a bystander in her own life.

But she stopped and spinning about, started back for her father’s study.

“Where are you going?” he asked turning to follow.