Page 11 of The Baron to Break

“The aunt is coming to fetch her to bring her back to the county to mourn.”

“Do me a favor and have them followed just to be certain.” Tinderwell scratched his chin thoughtfully. “And have the house searched as well.”

“Searched?” It was one thing to lie to a lord, another to break into one’s home.

“Nothing will be taken, and no one will know we were there, but I want to confirm that the jewels are still on the premises.”

Barrow cocked his head to the side. “Your goal in marrying the girl is to obtain her jewels?”

His employer shrugged. “I have been attempting to decide which is the main attraction and which is the added bonus. She is lovely.”

Mr. Barrow nodded. It was not his concern really. Once his employer married Emily, he’d make enough money to leave England forever.


Three days later, Emily smiled at the older woman before her, her brows notching up the slightest bit. Jacob’s aunt, Clara Brownstein, was unlike any person she’d ever met before. Emily’s mother had made certain that Emily never had a hair out of place, her dresses were always impeccable, her speech refined.

Mrs. Brownstein, named missus out of respect and not an actual marriage, wore an interesting combination of jade green and sapphire blue with dark pink accents. She had several flowers pinned in her haphazard hair and her lips had been painted a scarlet shade that only accentuated their wrinkles.

Her eyes, however, were as sharp as a woman a third her age and they assessed Emily as surely as Emily was looking at her.

Jacob stood next to his aunt, clearing his throat. “Aunt Clara, this is Miss Emily Cranston.”

“A pleasure,” Emily said hoping her smile appeared genuine enough.

“Pig’s shit,” the woman returned.

Emily blinked several times. “I beg your pardon.”

Clara waved a bright red kerchief. “Don’t bother pretending with me, girlie. My nephew told me the whole thing. Dead parents, missing brother, no money, and an aging aunt who I am supposed to play.” The other woman leaned forward. “Which I will be excellent at, by the way. Spent my entire life on stage.”

Emily’s lips parted as she considered a tactful way to disagree. Her father was a conservative man and his sister had been an English rose in her day. Clara could not be less like her actual aunt. “Will the role of baroness suit you?”

Aunt Clara frowned before her entire face changed a serious expression casting her features in a whole different light. “Does she speak most properly?” Aunt Clara asked, her accent growing finer. “And sit demurely and dress as blandly as possible?”

Emily had to smile. That was most definitely her aunt. “Bravo. That was impressive.” But then her smile slipped again. Not because Clara wasn’t exactly right or because she didn’t appreciate the performance. But for the first time since her parents’ deaths, she remembered what she didn’t wish to become.

Clara had spirit and spunk. And Emily had been allowed none of that. At least not yet. She’d waffled since the funeral, did she wish for independence or security? Did she have a choice? It changed moment to moment.

Clara waved her hand. “Much as I appreciate adoring fans, I must confess that my participation is not contingent upon accolades.” And she looked at Jacob giving him a meaningful stare.

Jacob sighed. “We don’t need to discuss this now.”

“Discuss what?” Emily asked.

“Tell her, already. Who knows? If it’s as bad as you say, she might be joining me in the professional world, in which case, we should begin educating her on what makes the world turn immediately.”

Jacob glowerd as he came to stand next to Emily, his hand sliding under her elbow. “Aunt Clara.”

“You’re very pretty.” Aunt Clara assessed her up and down. “A beauty even. Nice chest too.”

“Aunt Clara,” Jacob repeated through gritted teeth.

“He’s paying me to help, money he can ill afford because his father, my brother, was incompetent and his mother is a viper.”

“Oh,” Emily said, taking in all of that information as she turned to study Jacob. Was all of that true? He seemed so confident and self-assured all the time. “I’m sorry your mother is a viper. I understand. A bit. Mine was…”

“What?” Jacob asked, his gaze creasing in concern.