Page 86 of Obsession

The early-evening gloom turned the guy into more of a silhouette than an actual person, but Matthew could see enough to tell the man was tall and broad-shouldered.

Another door opened, this one coming from behind.

Matthew turned and saw another large man standing on the sidewalk, looking his way.

Matthew’s panic skyrocketed right through antsy to full-on freaking out. No vehicles had driven by since heand Billy arrived. These men must have been parked there the whole time.

He had no idea what they could possibly want, but whatever it was, he didn’t want to stick around to find out.

He needed to get out of there.


Unfortunately, the Porsche wasn’t an option, as Billy had taken its keys with him. So any escape would have to be on foot.

After a quick glance at the men watching him, he strode toward the front of Billy’s car, intent on crossing the street and losing himself among the buildings on the other side.

But before he could set a foot on the asphalt, yet another car door opened. This one was on the opposite side of the road, a couple of car lengths back.

A third man stepped out. “Mr. Wagner. Billy Barnett would appreciate it if you remained in his vehicle until he returns.”

Matthew froze. This man was close enough that the evening shadows didn’t obscure his face. Matthew had seen him earlier, on the set ofStorm’s Eye.He was one of the security officers. Which meant the other two must be the same.

Why would Billy have people watching him?

Unless what Billy had said hadn’t been a complimentafter all. That he’d meant it exactly the way Matthew feared.

No, that’s not possible.

There was no way Billy could know about Matthew’s plans.

Could he?

This is all happening because of your actions.

Oh, crap.

Matthew had been discovered. It was the only logical conclusion. And if that was true, he was in a load of trouble.

He could remain here and attempt to fabricate a feasible lie to deter Billy’s thinking. But time was short and if he failed to come up with something believable, he’d lose any chance he had of being with Tessa. And that was out of the question.

What he had to do was get away from these assholes. Now. After that, he could come up with another plan. If it took him a few more months or even years, it didn’t matter. Tessa would be his.

Their destiny was to be together.

He turned back to the sidewalk, acting like he was doing as he’d been told.

While he’d been waiting in the car earlier, he’d noticed several busted windows on the second floor of the building next to the Porsche. Now he covertly scanned thebuilding’s façade, and spotted a pipe running up the wall and an old metal awning over the first-floor entrance. He could climb the former to the latter, then duck inside. It wasn’t a perfect solution to his problem, but it would do for a start.

He took one more step, and then sprinted toward the pipe.


“Are you hurt?” Teddy asked Rebecca, as he checked her for obvious injuries.

“No, I’m okay.” She looked down the hallway, still tense. “There are at least two others. We need to—”

“Not anymore.”