Page 84 of Obsession

A second, angrier yell echoed into the hallway just as Teddy reached an intersection of corridors. Then he heard someone running.

Pressing himself against the wall, Teddy peered around the corner. He caught momentary sight of Neno sprinting away from him, then disappearing into another hallway.

Teddy ran after him, not slowing until he passed an open door about halfway down the hall. Glancing inside, he immediately recognized the space as the room where the videos of Rebecca had been recorded. No one was there now, though.

When Teddy had seen Neno a few seconds ago, the kidnapper had clearly been alone, alone and angry. That had to mean Rebecca was trying to escape.

Teddy sped down the hall.


“There’s no way out!”

Rebecca glanced over her shoulder. Her captor hadn’t found her yet, but from his shouts, she knew he was getting close.

The building was a maddening maze of corridors, with no apparent exits. Every time she passed an open doorway, she glanced in, hoping to find a door to the outside or at least someplace she could hide. But so far, there had been neither.

Ahead, several boxes were piled against the corridor wall, and just beyond them was the start of another hallway leading off to the left.

“Stop!” the man yelled, his voice suddenly much louder.

She glanced back again and could now see him sprinting toward her. His mask was gone, and blood covered part of his face, but not enough to hide his rage.

Terrified, she increased her speed. As she passed the boxes, she yanked on one in the middle. The stack teetered, then crashed onto the floor a second after she went by. It wouldn’t stop him, but it should slow him down a step or two.

She raced into the new corridor, and nearly skidded to a halt. Twenty feet down, the hall dead-ended. A pair of doors were just before it, one on the right and one on the left.

She hurried to them, praying one would be a way out. But each only led to an empty room.

She ducked into the one on the left and pressed against the wall next to the door. As quietly as she could, she moved through the darkness toward the far corner.

Halfway there, she gasped and jerked her foot back. It had knocked against something on the floor. Her first thought was a rat, but when she heard no skittering of feet, she poked the spot with her toe.

Whatever it was, it was solid but not connected to the floor.

She reached down.


Teddy turned the corner in time to see Neno hop over a pile of boxes near the other end of the hall. He raised his gun, but before he could get a shot off, Neno vanished into a corridor on the left.


Neno came to a full stop when he entered the dead-end hallway. Though the woman was nowhere in sight, there were only two places she could be.

He walked toward the two doorways, a sneer creasing his face.

Which room would she have chosen? The right? Or the left?

He turned on his flashlight and shone it into the one on the right. The space was empty.

As he turned his beam to check the room on the left, it lit up Rebecca, standing right behind him. Her hands were wrapped around a two-foot-long piece of wood that was swinging toward his head.

He threw up an arm, and the club smashed into it so hard one of his bones snapped with an audiblecrack.

She tried to get around him as he screamed in agony. He thrust out his good arm just in time to grab her by thehair and yank her back. She fought to pull free, so he kicked her feet out from under her, and sent her plunging to the floor.

To hell with what Janic wants.This ends tonight.