Page 71 of Obsession

“Don’t tell me. Pictures of Tessa taped to the wall.”

“How did you—”

Teddy turned the camera to the poster.


“Show me the space.”

Freeman conferenced in his person in L.A. and introduced her as Karlena Driscoll. “Please show Mr. Barnett what you found.”

With a nod, Driscoll flipped the camera. She was in a bedroom that had a bed in a corner, a desk against a wall, and no other furniture.

All four walls were covered in photo clippings.

“These three walls are dedicated to Miss Tweed,” Driscoll said. She panned the camera over walls filled top to bottom with pictures of Tessa. Like with the board Teddy had found, in any picture in which Ben appeared with her, his face had been blacked out.

“And the last wall?” Teddy asked.

The camera switched to it. The images there were of people associated with Centurion Studios. Beneath every photo was a neat, handwritten label, identifying the person or persons in the shot. Teddy was featured twice, once as Billy Barnett and once as Mark Weldon.

As he’d started to suspect, Matthew’s appearance at the film shoot was no accident. The gunshots Matthew had “saved” Stacy and Adriene from likely had been his own doing, as a way of getting on set.

A way of getting close to Tessa.

“What do you want to do?” Freeman asked.

What Teddy wanted to do was to handle Rebecca’s rescue and then the threat from Matthew separately. But no matter which way he looked at it, that was no longer an option. His ability to save Rebecca or not would be coming to a head within the hour. But there was also no way he would risk leaving Matthew anywhere near his friends. He would have to deal with them both.

Two birds, one stone.

Or, in this case, one Teddy.

“Call Rivera,” Teddy told Freeman. “Make sure he doesn’t let Matthew out of his sight. I’m heading to the set now.”

Once Teddy was on the road again, he called Stacy. “How’s the shoot going?”

“We’re about a half hour behind schedule. Peter didn’t like one of the shots, so they had to change the setup.”

“So a normal day, then.”

“Pretty much.”

“Say, is Matthew Wagner there today?”

“He is. Why?”

“I’d like to take him out for dinner to thank him for what he did the other day.”

“Aren’t you Mr. Nice Guy.”

“Just because I’m a movie producer doesn’t mean I can’t do something selfless, now and then.”

“I don’t know about that. Should I check Producers Guild guidelines to be sure, first?”

“How about we assume I’m right. Do me a favor, and let Matthew know I’ll pick him up by the makeup trailers in about fifteen minutes. Oh, and make sure to mention to him that Tessa and Ben will be joining us.” Matthew might beg out of dinner with only Billy, but Teddy was certain there was no way he’d miss a chance to eat with Tessa.

“Wow. Can I come, too?”