Page 43 of Obsession

The first words he sputtered were in what Teddy assumed was Croatian. Realizing his mistake, Vulin switched to English. “Who are you? What are you doing in my room?”

“I believe you left this behind.” Teddy dangled the clear plastic bag that contained the thumb drive in front of his face.

“What do you mean? That—that’s not mine.”

“I never said it was. But you did deliver it.”

“Deliver? Are you crazy? I’ve never seen that thing before.”

“That’s odd. Then how did your fingerprints get on it?”

Vulin blanched.

“What we’d like to know is: Who gave it to you?”

The man’s brow furrowed, then his gaze flicked to the darkness behind Teddy. “ ‘We’?”

Without taking his eyes off Vulin, Teddy said, “Lights.”

A lamp on the dresser came on, revealing Novak and Mori.

What was left of Vulin’s defenses crumbled. “Mr. Novak. Oh, God. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

Novak fought to keep his expression neutral as he and Mori joined Teddy at the bed. “Tell him what he wants to know, Andrew.”

“I didn’t want to do it, but...”

“But you did,” Teddy said.

Vulin squeezed his eyes shut and nodded. “I had no choice.”

“Who gave it to you?”

Teddy let the silence that followed linger, knowing Vulin would soon realize he had no other option but to tell them the truth. “Zoran Janic.”

Novak stiffened, then in a halting voice said, “Zoran Janic? He’s who took Rebecca?”

“He’s behind it, but I don’t think he’s here in the States. One of his men gave the drive to me.”

“Then how do you know Janic’s involved?” Teddy asked.

“He made the initial contact with me.”


“A few weeks ago.”

“And he asked you to leave notes and cause the problems for the Novaks?” Teddy questioned.

“Not asked. Ordered.”

Anger flared in Novak’s eyes. “Why? Why would you even listen to him? Have we not been good to you?”

“You have. You’ve been more than good. But he... he’s holding my brother and his family. He told me he’d kill them if I didn’t do as he said.”

Novak blinked, stunned again.

“Did you know he was going to kidnap Mrs. Novak?” Teddy asked.