Page 32 of Obsession

He handed the phone back to Teddy.

“Are you positive? For a moment there, you looked like you did.”

“He looks a little like someone I used to know, that’s all. When I was young.”


“My friend Leon.”

“He’d be older now. Are you sure it’s not him?”

“I’m positive. Leon Janic died when we were teenagers.”


“Billy! Join me?”

Teddy, who had just returned to the Santa Barbara HillsHotel after visiting the Novak house, was walking through the lobby when he heard the sound of Peter’s voice. Looking around, he spotted Peter sitting in the hotel bar, a martini in his hand.

Teddy walked over and took a seat at Peter’s table. “Drinking alone? That’s not like you.”

Peter signaled the waiter and pointed at his glass. “He’ll take one of these, too.” He turned back to Teddy. “It’s only drinking if you actually drink. This is my first and I haven’t even touched it yet. Besides, you’re here now, so I’m not drinking alone.”

Teddy had seldom ever seen Peter anywhere close to being rattled. He was verging on that now. But that was to be expected. Not every shoot day ended in an actual shooting.

Peter picked up his glass, then set it down again without taking a drink. “Have you heard anything from the police? Do they have a suspect?”

“Nothing new since I left the set.”

“You don’t think the shooter was after one of our people, do you?”

Teddy didn’t have enough information to know the answer to that yet, but he knew that wasn’t what Peter needed to hear. “I doubt it. But we’ll know more after the police finish their investigation.”

“Should we beef up security?”

“I was planning on calling Mike Freeman when I got to my room to do just that.”

“Okay. Good.” Peter visibly relaxed. “So I don’t need to push the shoot back a day or two, then?”

“Only if you want to.”

Peter shook his head. “The show must go on. Plus, I think it would be better for everyone to keep working.”

“I couldn’t agree more.”

The waiter returned with Teddy’s martini and then left.

For the first time since Teddy sat down, Peter cracked a smile. “You know, since we’ll still be shooting tomorrow, I’ll need Mark on set first thing in the morning.”

“Mark is a pro. I’m sure he’ll be there.”

Teddy lifted his glass and took a sip. As he set the drink down, his phone vibrated with a text from Kevin.

Check your email.

Teddy did. Kevin’s email contained copies of everything the police had on their investigation of the shooting.

“Problem?” Peter asked.