Page 31 of Obsession

Teddy was answered by the vibration of another text message, also from Kevin. He put the call on speaker and opened the message. It contained a link that took him to a still image from the footage of Rebecca’s Mercedes leaving the flower shop parking lot. Unlike before, where a glare on the windshield prevented the driver from being seen, this time the person behind the wheel was visible.

“That’s definitely not Rebecca,” Teddy said.

The picture was grainy from the manipulation Kevin had done, so details were lacking. Even so, there was enough to see that the driver was a man and to get a decent idea of what he looked like. Teddy was certain he had never seen him before.

One thing for sure, though, the flower shop was where the kidnapping had gone down.

“This is great, Kevin. Thank you. And for the audio, too. I told you you could do it.”

“I’m adding the skill to my résumé as we speak.”

“That’s the spirit. Listen, do you think you can get into the Santa Barbara Police Department server?” It was a task Teddy could have done himself, but he was short on time.

Kevin snorted. “I’m going to pretend that’s not a serious question. What do you need?”


“Mr. Billy Barnett,” Vulin announced, then moved to the side so Teddy could enter the Novaks’ library.

Novak threw Teddy a quick glance from where he stood by one of the windows. He looked exhausted. Teddy doubted he’d slept since his wife disappeared the previous afternoon.

Mori didn’t appear much better. He sat on one of the couches, dark circles under his eyes, and his hair mussed, like he’d been running his hand through it nonstop. On the coffee table sat a laptop.

The lawyer waved Teddy over. “We received another video.”


“A few minutes ago.”

Teddy checked his watch. It was a quarter after six. That was approximately the same time yesterday’s video had arrived.

“Play it for me.”

The shot was almost identical to the one in the previous video. The cot, the concrete wall behind it, and even the audio were unchanged.

There were two obvious differences, however. Instead of the number five written on the piece of paper taped to the wall, today the number was four.

The second change was Rebecca herself. Now, she sat on the cot, staring at the camera.

She looked both scared and exhausted. What she did not look was defeated. Nor did she appear to have any obvious injuries.

Novak joined them and pointed at the number on the wall. “It has to be a countdown, right?”

Teddy nodded. “That would be my guess.”

“Then we only have four days. That’s not much time. Has your friend made any progress yet?”

Teddy answered by pulling out his phone and playing the unfiltered audio from the previous video for them. When it was done, he said, “Do either of you recognize the voice?”

Mori shook his head right away, while Novak took a couple of seconds before saying, “No.”

When Teddy showed them the enhanced picture of the Mercedes leaving the flower shop, Novak gasped. “That’s Rebecca’s car.” His gaze whipped to Teddy. “Is he the one who kidnapped her?”

“Either that or he’s working with those who did. Do you know him?”

Novak took the phone from Teddy and studied the picture.

His breath caught as if he did indeed know the man. But just as fast, the spark of recognition faded. With a frown, he shook his head. “I’ve never seen him.”