Page 26 of Obsession

They had barely started down the path when Tessa stopped short and searched through her purse.

“Forget something?” Adriene asked.

Tessa sighed and closed her bag. “I left my phone in my trailer.”

“I can run back and get it for you,” Stacy offered.

“It’s my mistake. I’ll do it.”

“I don’t mind.”

“Someday, someone is going to take advantage of that good-natured helpfulness of yours, but it’s not going to be me.”

“How about I at least bring the van around, and you can meet us at the end of the block. It’ll save you some time.”

“Wonderful. Billy better be careful because I might steal you from him.”


Matthew watched from down the block as Tessa crossed the street in the company of Adriene Adele and the same woman who’d gone to dinner with them the night before.

This was it. The moment he’d been waiting for was upon him. He slipped his hand into the pocket of his hoodie and wrapped his fingers around the remote.

When he was sure that Tessa and her friends had reached the path they used to get to their vehicle, he jogged to the end of the street where the walkway let out. He then slowed his pace and headed down the sidewalk, his body tingling in anticipation. If he had his timing correct, he should arrive at the spot where the pathway hit the street at the same time Tessa did.

He was so sure that he’d timed everything perfectly that he almost froze in mid-step when he got there, with no sign of Tessa or her friends.

Out of the corner of his eye, he checked down the path. It was clear all the way to where it curved out of sight.

Had he been wrong? Had theynotbeen heading this way?

Before his panic spiraled out of control, the sound of footsteps drifted toward him. Then he heard a woman’s voice that he was positive belonged to Adriene Adele.

He took a deep, relieved breath. They’d been walking slower than he’d anticipated, that was all.

Everything was fine.

He couldn’t stay there and wait for them, though, that would be too obvious. It would mean a change to his plan, but only a small one.

He began walking again.

When he’d gone two car lengths, he heard the women laugh as they reached the street behind him.

He smiled and pressed the button on the remote.


The path was wide enough for Stacy and Adriene to walk side by side.

“If the rest of filming goes as smoothly as today, do you think we might finish on location ahead of schedule?” Adriene asked.

“If we do, I think it would be the first time in the history of filmmaking that will have happened.”

They laughed as they stepped off the path and onto the sidewalk.

“Wishful thinking, I—”

Gunshots echoed down the street, cutting Adriene off.