Page 24 of Obsession

He couldn’t be prouder of her.

The thought of telling her in person how he felt sent a rush of pleasure down his spine.

Soon, he promised himself.

From his pocket, he pulled out the shooting schedule he’d stolen that morning. The production was running a little late, but not by much. They had only a few more shots to get before they’d call it a day.

Which meant it was almost time to set his plan in motion.

“Hey, what’s that?”

Matthew looked up, annoyed. A man had moved in next to him and was looking at the schedule.

He was the second person today who’d tried to engage Matthew in conversation. The first was a fool who thought Billy Barnett was one of the actors. Billy Barnett, a movie actor? How ridiculous was that?

This new guy wore a black T-shirt with a button pinned to it that read:i love you tessa. In the background,behind the type, was a photo of the nosy good-for-nothing posing with Tessa. One of those selfies fans liked to take.

Matthew instantly disliked him.

“Is that from the production?” The superfan pointed at the schedule. “Can I see it?”

Matthew wanted to stuff the paper in his pocket and walk away, but he was keenly aware of the man’s eyes on him. Remaining unnoticed was a crucial part of Matthew’s plan, but this creep was paying him too much attention. That was a problem that needed to be rectified immediately.

“Sure.” He held out the schedule. “Take a look.”

The man grinned. “Thanks.”

Matthew glanced around to make sure no one else was paying attention to them, then whispered, “I also have a script.”

“What?” From the way the guy gawked at him, one would think Matthew had told him he’d found the holy grail. It was just the reaction Matthew had hoped for.

“It’s in my car. I can show it to you if you’re interested.”

“Hell yeah, I’m interested.”

“Cool. My car’s not far.” As they turned the corner, Matthew held out a hand. “I’m Matthew.”


“Good to meet you, Justin. Nice button.”

“Thanks. I made it myself.”

Matthew led him to the block where he’d parked.

“This is it,” he said, when they reached his car. “The script’s in the trunk.”

He walked Justin to the back of the sedan. After sticking his key into the lock, he pretended to turn it, then grimaced in annoyance when the hatch didn’t pop open.

“Sorry, the lock gets sticky sometimes.”

He fiddled with it again, then pulled the key out.

“Wait here. I’ve got a spare that works better.”

“Sure.” Justin was so excited at the prospect of seeing a script forStorm’s Eyethat he didn’t suspect a thing.

Matthew climbed into his front passenger seat and popped open the glove compartment. Under the car manual was a small black case that contained three syringes and two glass containers full of clear liquid. He filled one syringe, put the case back, then quickly removed his car key from his key ring so that it wouldn’t appear to be the same one.