Page 22 of Obsession

Back in his car, Teddy call the SBPD to report the theft, then scanned the lot again. Every instinct told him that this was where Rebecca had been kidnapped.

He called Kevin but was sent straight to voicemail. The hacker was probably still sleeping.

At the beep, Teddy said, “I need you to try enhancing the image of Rebecca Novak’s Mercedes when it left the flower shop parking lot. I don’t think she was the one driving.”


Teddy arrived at the shopping plaza ahead of schedule. As anticipated, the lot was busy but not full.

He parked in the less crowded corner he’d preselected and used the extra time to alter the look of Detective Wesley Thompson into that of an overweight, middle-aged man. As a final touch, he added a bushy mustache and a pair of black-framed glasses.

Two minutes prior to the rendezvous time, a van pulled into the slot next to Teddy. Painted on the side was the logo for Strategic Services.

The driver of the van rolled down his window as Teddy climbed out of his car.

“Mr. Samuels?”

“That’s me.”

“I’m Daniel Rivera.” Rivera pointed across the cab to the man in the passenger seat. “And he’s Kyle Hansen. Shall we get going?”

Hansen climbed into the back of the van, and Teddy took his vacated seat up front.

“Did Mr. Freeman brief you on what’s going on?”

“In broad strokes,” Rivera said.

Teddy filled in the details of his plan while they drove to the Novaks’ estate.

When they pulled up to the gate across the driveway, a voice came over the intercom. “May I help you?”

Teddy leaned across the cab. “We’re here to do a home security audit. I believe you’re expecting us.”

“Drive up to the house and park on the right side, please.”

The gate swung open, and they followed the driveway in.

A man in a smart-looking suit exited the house and approached them as they climbed out of the van.

“Good morning, gentlemen. I’m Andrew Vulin, the manager of the Novaks’ estate. Mr. Novak told me to give you whatever help you need.”

Teddy shook his hand. “George Samuels. We’re only doing an assessment today. Which means we need to checkout your current security system, including window and door contacts, any cameras, things like that.”

“Where would you like to start?”

“How about inside?”

“Follow me.”

When they walked into the large foyer, Vulin introduced them to the five other members of the staff, all of whom were waiting there. “They can find me if you have questions.”

Teddy, Rivera, and Hansen began their “assessment” of the house on the first floor.

They looked for signs of break-ins, or any clue as to how someone might have gained entrance in order to leave the notes. But after thoroughly scouring the interior on both floors and checking the doors and windows from the outside, they found absolutely nothing.

While Rivera and Hansen packed up the ladders they’d used, Teddy found Vulin in a small office off the kitchen. “I think we have everything we need. I hope we didn’t disturb your staff too much.”

“I haven’t heard any complaints.”