Page 20 of Obsession

Kordo’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, then he chuckled to himself. A film productiondidmake a weird kind of sense. He was on this job because of the Novaks’ involvement with filmmakers in Croatia, after all. The movie here would explain Carl Novak’s connection to the Porsche driver.

Kordo spotted the driver, about a half block down, talking to a woman, and he pointed at him. “He looks important. Is he one of the actors?”

“Who?” The man looked down the street. “Him? An actor? You’ve got to be kidding. That’s Billy Barnett. He’s the producer.”

Kordo silently repeated the name, thanked the man, and headed back to his car.


After pouring himself a coffee, Teddy looked over the breakfast choices on the craft services table. He was deciding between a bagel and a piece of fruit when Stacy found him.

“You actually made it.”

“I said I would, didn’t I?”

“Yes, but it wouldn’t have been the first time something came up that changed your plans.”

“Are you calling me unreliable?”

“I’m calling you busy.”

“Very diplomatic, Stacy. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were angling for a raise.”

“I would never say no to that.” She pulled several sheetsof paper out of a folder. “I have today’s schedule, if you’d like a copy.”

“Why don’t you hold on to that. I won’t be staying long.”

“You won’t? Do you still want an update?”

“I can’t think of a better way to spend what little time I’ll be here.”

Stacy’s eyes narrowed. “You don’t sound like you’re being sincere.”

“Me? Why, I’m both hurt by what you’re implying and impressed by your perceptiveness. Maybe youdodeserve a raise.” He took a sip from his cup. “How about we keep this simple. I’ve read all your daily reports. Is there anything that wasn’t in yesterday’s that I should know about?”

She shook her head, unable to hide her disappointment. “No. It was all there.”

“That means you’re doing a great job of keeping me informed.”

“I hope so.”

“There is one thing you can do for me.”

She perked up. “What’s that?”

“Point me to the trailers.”

Stacy escorted him to the parking lot where the cast and makeup trailers were located. After she left, he walked around the set for several minutes, shaking hands and talking to cast and crew. Once he felt he’d done enoughto fulfill Peter’s request that he make an appearance, he went into Mark Weldon’s trailer and locked the door.

Using the makeup kit, he transformed himself into a hardened Santa Barbara police detective he named Wesley Thompson. He completed the look by donning the slacks and sports jacket he’d brought in the garment bag. He checked himself in the mirror and was happy with the results, ducking out of the trailer when nobody was around.

Instead of returning to the production sedan the same way he’d come, he took the long way around the cordoned-off area, to avoid running into anyone he knew on set. Though there was next to no chance someone would realize he was in disguise, it was best not to tempt fate whenever possible.

He used the information he’d received from Kevin to drive Rebecca’s exact route. As he did, he kept an eye out for her car, but he didn’t see it anywhere. When he reached the flower shop, he pulled into the lot and parked.

There were spaces for twenty vehicles. Half were along the back of the building, and the other half along a cinder-block wall that enclosed the lot.

Teddy climbed out and scanned the area. Given that Kevin had found no indication of cameras covering the lot, he was surprised to spot two cameras mounted to the back of the shop. They were aimed so that together they covered the entire parking area.