Page 17 of Obsession

“On it. There’s one other thing. I’m forwarding you a video that was received from her kidnappers. There’s a voice-over that’s been altered to disguise the speaker’s identity. Any chance you can peel away the effects so we can hear the person’s real voice?”

“I’m not a sound guy, but I know a few good ones I can reach out to.”

“No outsiders. This needs to be kept between you and me.”

“I guess there are a few things I can try. But I can’t promise anything.”

“I have confidence in you.”

“Gee. Thanks, Dad. I’ll let you know when I have something.”

The rest of the drive was made to the jazz coming from the Porsche’s speakers and the feel of the wind blowing through Teddy’s hair.

It took him two hours to reach his house in theHollywood Hills. There, he retrieved several items from his safe, including a pair of handguns, a rifle, tracking and audio bugs, lock picks, zip ties, and a few electronic devices he thought might come in handy.

He hoped none of them would be necessary, but it was always better to be prepared.


Rebecca Novak rolled onto her back and groaned. Her head ached like she’d been drinking all night, though it had been years since she’d done something that stupid.

She reached for the bottle of water she always kept on her nightstand but found only air.

She opened her eyes and then slammed them shut again at the brightness.

Why had Carl turned on the lights?

With more care this time, she eased her eyelids apart.

Her nightstand wasn’t there.

She bolted upright, then swayed at the sudden wave ofvertigo. Once her head stopped spinning, she looked around.

There was a very good reason her nightstand was missing. She wasn’t in her bedroom. Rather, she was in a small, windowless room with bare concrete walls. The only items in the space were the cot she was on, a small table, and a portable toilet in the corner.

What the hell? Where am—

It all came rushing back.

The man next to her car.

Rebecca being forced into his vehicle.

A hand clamping down over her face.

And the slow foggy drift into unconsciousness.

After that, she remembered nothing until now.

Before she could think about what it all meant, something banged against the door. She shot a look toward it, sending a fresh spike of dizziness into her head.

The latch released and the door swung open. A man entered holding a gun. He wore a white plastic mask over his face that had holes cut out for his eyes and mouth.

Ignoring her weakened state, she pushed to her feet. “Who are you? What do you want?”

Without a word, the man shoved her back onto the bed with a simple flick of his hand and motioned for her not to move.

A second masked man walked in, carrying a bag ofwhat smelled like fast food. After he set it on the table, both he and his armed companion left.