Page 29 of Obsession

“This is Matthew Wagner. He’s the one who saved Adriene and me.”

Matthew looked a little embarrassed. “I don’t think you could call it saving you. All I did was tell you to get down.”

“Andacted as our shield.”


Teddy stuck out his hand. “Sounds like you went above and beyond to me. Thank you.” They shook. “We’re all very grateful.”

Over the next few minutes, Stacy told Teddy her version of events.

“Have the police talked to you yet?”

“Yes. Both of us.”

“Then why are you still here?”

“They asked us to wait in case they had any other questions.”

“Give me a minute.”

Outside, he asked the first officer he found to point him to the person in charge of the investigation. The cop nodded toward a man in a brown suit, talking to one of the movie’s security guards.

Teddy walked over. “Sorry for butting in, but I’m Billy Barnett, the film’s producer.”

Though the detective tried to hide it, Billy saw a familiar starstruck glimmer in the man’s eye. “I’m Detective Steve Alverez.”

“I don’t want to bother you, Detective, but do you have a moment?”

Alverez glanced at the security guard. “If I have any other questions, I’ll let you know.” He turned back to Billy as the guard walked off. “How can I help you?”

“I was wondering if you’ve been able to identify the shooter yet.”

“It’s still an open investigation.”

“I take that as a no, then.”

Alverez gave him a closed-lipped smile but said nothing.

Teddy pulled out his business card and handed it to the detective. “When you do find out, I’d appreciate a call.”

“Of course.” Alverez slipped the card carefully into his pocket.

“Thanks, Detective. One more question. Would it be okay if my assistant and the man waiting with her went home? It’s been a long day for them.”

Alverez consulted his notepad. “Stacy Lange and Matthew Wagner?”


“I have their contact info, so sure, they can go.”

“Appreciate it.”


A police officer escorted Stacy and Matthew to Stacy’s VAN, then went back to the set. Other officers were scattered along the street, examining the crime scene.

“I can’t thank you enough for what you did,” Stacy told Matthew.