Page 13 of Obsession

Freeman answered on the first ring. “Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with this evening?” He also knew about Teddy’s secrets.

“The original edition.”

“So not a social call, then.”

“When have Ievercalled you to just say hello?”

“Good point. What can I do for you?”

“To start, I need a couple of your men and a security company van here in Santa Barbara tomorrow morning.”


“You might say that.”

“Problems with security at the shoot?” Strategic Servicesoften provided the security for Centurion Studios. In the case ofStorm’s Eye, however, at the request of the Santa Barbara city government, Freeman had subcontracted a local company to handle the job.

“No. Not the shoot.”

“Then what?”

“I’d rather not say right now. But I promise to loop you in if it becomes necessary.”

“Understood. What time in the morning?”

“Nine a.m.?”

“I can make that happen.”

“When you die, I’ll haveNot only smart but also reliablechiseled onto your tombstone.”

“Your interest in my legacy is both creepy and appreciated.”

“What are friends for? Send me the contact info for your men and I’ll let them know where to meet me.”

“I’ll see to it.”

“Thanks, Mike.”

“Wait. You said ‘to start.’ I assume that means there’s something else?”

“There is. I’m going to send you a list of people who work at the residence of Carl and Rebecca Novak.”

“The billionaire?”

“And his wife. I need background checks on all of them.”

“Anything else?”

“That should do it for now.”

Instead of joining Stone and Peter at the table after he hung up, Teddy remained standing.

Peter’s gaze switched back and forth between him and Stone. “Why do I get the feeling you’re about to tell me my lead actor won’t be as available as he should be?”

“A woman’s been kidnapped,” Stone said.

Peter’s annoyance vanished. “Who? Wait. Do you mean Rebecca Novak? Does this have anything to do with your meeting from earlier?”