Page 5 of No Redemption

“I’m exhausted.” I squeeze Dane’s hand. “If you don’t mind, I think I might head home a little early.”

My headache from earlier has turned into a full-blown migraine at this point. The dull aching pain is now a throbbing pulse behind my eyes.

“Of course, darling.” He tips my chin upward and kisses me. “I want you to go home and soak in a delicious bubble bath so that when I get home later and crawl into bed, I can devour your body from head to toe.”

“Thank you and I’m sorry I’m not staying the entire evening.”

“Don’t you dare apologize.” He nuzzles my nose. “What my wife wants is the only thing that matters. I do hope you’ve had a nice evening otherwise?”

“I did, very much so. Everything was perfect and amazing, as always.” I know people are watching us, but it never seems to faze Dane. In a room full of people, he only has eyes for me.

“Let me text Andy and have him pull the car up. I’ll walk you outside.”

“No, baby. I’ll be fine walking myself out. You stay and mingle.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I love you.” I reach up to kiss his cheek. “Have fun.”

“I love you too, darling.”

I say a few goodbyes before walking down the long hallway toward the lobby. I’m sure Andy will be pulling up any second. I’m just to the stairs, making my way down, when I see the Rolls Royce in the distance, turning a corner and making its way toward me.

Just as my foot hits the pavement and the car pulls to a stop in front of me, I feel a strong hand grabbing my elbow. “Dane told me to give you a ride home.”

I attempt to pull my arm out of Mads’ grip, but he’s holding me too tight. “What are you doing?”

“Evening, Andy.” Mads nods toward him as he steps out of the car and walks around to open my door. “Dane told me to give her a ride home. You can relax until he needs to head home.”

“Are you sure about that?” Andy reaches for his phone and checks his messages. “I didn’t get a text from him with a change of plans.”

“Yeah, he sent me out here to tell you. Have a good night.” He waves toward Andy as he tugs my arm, practically dragging me behind him as we head toward his waiting car.

“Good night,” I say over my shoulder toward Andy who watches us walk away in confusion. Finally, he shrugs and closes the door, climbing back in behind the wheel and pulling away.

“Get in,” Mads commands, pulling open the passenger door to his Aston Martin and practically shoving me inside.

“What is going on?” I watch him walk around the car in a rush. “Did Dane really tell you to drive me home?” I stare at him, but he’s focused on putting the car into gear and pulling away from the aquarium. “Let me guess. This is one of his attempts to make us get along?” I roll my eyes, pulling my seat belt into place so the car stops beeping.

“Something like that,” he mutters, pulling the car into traffic and gunning it so hard my back hits the seat.

Nervousness bubbles in my stomach; something doesn’t feel right. I open my clutch and produce my phone. “I’m going to call hi—” Before I can finish the sentence, he rips the phone from my hand and tosses it out his window. “Hey!” My head whips around to watch it hit the pavement and shatter into a hundred pieces. “What is going on?” The frantic tone of my voice scares even me.

“I’m taking you to my place,” he says stoically.

“Why? I thought Dane told you to take me home.”

“I lied. He told me to take you to my place.” He shifts gears, the engine revving as he whips through traffic at breakneck speed.

“Why are w—”

“Enough with the fucking questions, Emery. Just sit back.”

My mouth snaps shut and I look out the front window, my pulse skyrocketing.Maybe this is one of the kidnap pranks I’ve seen on YouTube. Like a funny way to celebrate our wedding anniversary.The idea is ludicrous, I know that, but I can’t think of any other way to rationalize what’s happening right now. I don’t even know what’s happening right now.

Dane knew I was exhausted. He encouraged me to take a bubble bath when I got home.My pulse quickens, my heartbeat rushing in my ears as I clench my jaw and try to breathe through my nose as the car accelerates faster and faster down Lake Shore Drive. I glance over at Mads’ expression. His jaw is clenched. His hands grip the wheel so tight like he’s nervous.

“What is going on?” I ask one more time as he pulls the car into his private underground garage. He doesn’t answer. He doesn’t say another word as he tugs me out of the car, dragging me to the elevator as he looks over his shoulder.