Page 29 of No Redemption

“That’s good to hear, Davis, because I’d really hate to get my guys involved here and take care of the detective myself. I think we both know with my connections, it won’t just be acase reassignment.”

“Understood. Consider it taken care of.”

* * *

Istand outside the club, checking my watch for the third time. It’s 8:07 and Emery still isn’t here. I can’t stand tardiness. I had considered sending Tony to pick her up, but with the detective snooping around, I didn’t want to take the risk. I realize that I’m even taking a big risk tonight having her come to the club when she could be tailed.

A moment later, her red Mercedes is pulling up and she’s handing her keys to the valet.

“I said not to be late.” I place my hand on her lower back, her long auburn hair blowing in the evening wind. She’s in a more conservative black dress tonight that hugs her hips and falls just below her knees. She’s paired it with elegant black stilettos and a simple gold necklace that hangs delicately above her décolletage. She is the epitome of classic beauty and tonight she looks every square inch the billionaire widower.

“And I recall telling you that I don’t answer to you.”

“So that’s how it’s going to be tonight?” I smile and nod at the hostess as I guide us through the entryway, heading toward my office.

“You don’t seem to care what I want so why should I care what you want?”

I nod to a few guests as we navigate through the main room and down the long hallway to my office.

“Out with it,” I say, unamused by her mood as I shut the door behind us.

“I want answers and you won’t give me any. When you told me to meet you here, I asked why and you just ignored me. I’m not okay with that, Mads. This is my fucking life we’re talking about.” She gestures with the clutch in her hand.

“Watch your language when you speak to me, Emery.”

She lets out a huff of laughter. “Are you serious? You are the most arrogant bastard I have ever met. I can’t believe I was—” She catches herself and piques my curiosity.

“Can believe you were what?” I say, taking a step closer to her. “Attracted to me?” I grin as her face grows red. “Don’t be embarrassed, Em. It’s normal to be attracted to someone else when you’re married, as long as you don’t act on it. Unless, of course, you’re Dane.”

Her eyes narrow. “Don’t,” she says emphatically.

“You can’t still be making excuses for him, can you? I can give you the details if it helps.” I don’t know why I’m going out of my way to be an exceptional dick to her tonight. Actually, I do know. I need to put an end to our—whatever the fuck we’re doing.

“Is that why you brought me here?” Her eyes fill with tears. “To tease me about it? That is so messed up, even for you.” Her voice quivers. “Poor me, I was the oblivious wife who had no idea her entire life was a complete lie.”

“No, I’m sorry. I’m just—” I take in a breath. “There’s a detective snooping around, asking questions.”

“A detective? Why?”

“I had the same question.” I pour myself a glass of scotch and lift the bottle toward her.

“No, thank you.”

“I called my contact at the station. He said it was all just procedural red tape stuff, but still, we need to make sure our story is straight.”

“Our story? I don’t understand. I thought you already told the officer who came to the house why I wasn’t there.”

“I did but apparently it seems like maybe they doubt my recollection of events.” I sip the liquor.

“I’m sorry.” She shakes her head, pressing her fingers against the center of her forehead. “I’m confused. I don’t understand why you can’t just tell them that you took me to your place because you suspected he was going to—do something stupid.”

“I think they would think that sounds suspicious. Like if I knew he was going to”—I pause, using her same phrase—“do something stupid, I should have called the police first and got them involved instead of trying to handle it.”

“But why would they think it’s suspicious?”

“They probably assume you and I were having an affair and that’s why he did it.”

“What?” She laughs. “You can’t be serious?”