Page 58 of No Redemption

Ifire a single shot into the detective’s arm, causing his pistol to fall from his hand as he grabs his arm with a strangled moan. I walk toward him, kicking the gun away from him as I keep my muzzle pointed at his head.

“You’re safe now, sweetheart.” Emery is cowered in the corner, her eyes squeezed shut with her hands over her ears. She slowly cracks one eye open, her hands falling away from her face as she realizes it’s me. Her eyes fall down to where the detective is cradling both of his arms, groaning in pain.

“Look at me, you piece of shit.” I kick him, causing him to groan louder. “I saidlook at me!” I scream the words at him, his eyes lifting up to me as his breath comes out in rapid hisses.

“I’m a detec—” he starts to tell me as if that’s going to change my mind or make me give a shit.

“I don’t give a fuck if you’re God’s chosen; you came after the woman I love.” I crouch down, grabbing a handful of his hair and lifting his head so that he’s looking at Emery. “Tell her you’re sorry.”

“Go to hell.”

“Tell her!” I yank his hair harder, pressing the barrel of my gun into his open wound.

“Sorry, fuck, sorry!” he screams.

“Now,” I stand back up, looking over at Emery. “Turn around, baby. Close your ears.” She complies immediately, the detective looking at her, then to me, and he lifts his hand.

“No wa—” But I don’t wait. I pull the trigger, sending a single shot right between his eyes. Then, for good measure, I unload the rest of the clip into his chest. His body bounces with each shot, blood pouring from his nose and ears.

“Emery.” I step over the body, crouching down in front of her. “Baby, look at me. Are you okay?” She throws her arms around my neck tightly, her body drenched in sweat as she begins to sob in my arms.

“I’m okay,” she says finally through broken tears. “I’m okay.”

I pick her up and take her out of the closet. I don’t put her down until we’re in another bathroom. I place her on the sink, looking her over for any bruises or wounds, but I don’t see any.

“What happened?”

She shakes her head. “He just showed up. I don’t know. He kept asking me about his wife and Dane and I didn’t know—I didn’t know.” Her body is shaking, and I pull her into my arms again.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of now, baby. You’re safe. I’m here.” I rub her back, letting her calm down.

“Did you know?”

“About?” I look at her questioningly.

“About Dane and the detective’s wife? He said that Dane was questioned in the disappearance of a prostitute?”

Surprisingly, this is something I didn’t know about. “No, I had no idea about any of that. What did the wife have to do with anything?”

She shakes her head, wiping away a stray tear. “I don’t know honestly. Apparently, Dane seduced her away from him because he showed up at his office to question him.”

“I’m not surprised by that. I didn’t know anything and had I known, I’d have taken you away from him a long time ago, baby.”

“How’d you know to come here?”

“You said you were coming home hours ago and when you didn’t answer my texts or calls, I got worried so I came to find you.” I brush her hair back, holding her face in my hands. “I told you, Em, nothing, nothing will ever hurt you again. You’re mine to protect.”

“What are we going to do about the body?” She whispers the words as if someone will hear her.

“I’ll take care of it.”


I stare at her for a moment. “I have a contact at the police department; he owes me. He gets rid of this body for me, and he and I are even.”

“Won’t the police be here? Somebody had to have heard.”

I shake my head. “We’re too far out; nobody heard those shots. Nobody heard the shot the night of Dane’s death.”