Page 27 of No Redemption

“I have to get back upstairs and entertain some VIP guests.” He circles my nipple, squeezing it while he runs his tongue up my neck to my ear.

“Can I stay down here?”

“No,” he says as he removes his hand and readjusts my dress, turning me around to face him.

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t trust you,” he says, grabbing my hand and leading me back down the long hallway. When we get back upstairs, we head straight toward the front entrance. He stops me, removing my mask and handing it to the hostess before we step outside. The air is crisp and normally I’d be cold, but heat is still radiating off me after my orgasm.

“Tony is going to take you home.” He reaches around me, pulling open the door to the back seat of a large SUV.

“Okay.” I hesitate before getting into the back seat. “Thank you.” I smile but it’s hiding a lot. Mads’ cold facade is back in place. He gives me a nod, about to shut the door, then he stops. He steps closer, reaching up to slide his hand behind my neck and pull me toward him.

“The next time you think you want to go exploring some place you have no business being, call me. Understand?” I nod. “And the next time you think about wanting to feel something, you better not go looking anywhere besides me. If you are angry at me, I get it, but you can hate fuck me and me alone. You can call it a mistake again; it won’t hurt my feelings. But if I find out that you show back up here without me, I will lock you in my penthouse for the rest of your fucking life. Do you understand me?”


“Good,” he says with that devilish smirk. I expect him to shut the door, but he continues to look at me, his eyes dropping down to my lap, then slowly back up to me. “In case nobody has ever told you, you have the sweetest-tasting pussy I have ever had. The kind of pussy men would kill for.” He reaches his thumb over my jaw, dragging it slowly over my lips. “Good night, Emery.”



Tasting her again was a fucking mistake. My obsession with Emery Ashford is only growing stronger by the second and if I’m not careful, it’s going to consume me.

For the last week, I’ve thought of little but her. I’m either lost in thoughts of fucking her or worrying she’s still digging into things. The reality is, if she finds out I killed Dane, I don’t give a fuck that she knows… What I worry about is her conscience, who she’d tell. But my biggest fear is destroying her. She’s already in pieces after finding out that Dane was lying to her about so much of his life. If she finds out that I too am lying to her about everything, I’m not sure she’d survive it.

I stare down at my phone. The last communication from her was the night she showed up at The Scarlett Letter. I try to distract myself with work, staring at my computer, then pacing my office.

“Fuck it.” I grab my keys, heading out of my office. “I’ll be out the rest of the day, Corina.” I head downstairs to the parking garage. I don’t know where Emery would be at this time of day, but I take the drive out to her house in the suburbs. I’m at the stop sign, waiting to turn onto her road, when I see a little red Mercedes convertible fly past me. I recognize that car. I was with Dane when he bought the car for her. I actually picked it out and bought it… like I did almost everything he bought her over the years, including her anniversary jewelry. He always insisted it was for the con, that he’d pay me back, but I knew I’d never see a dime of that money. And I’m glad he never paid me back. I like knowing she’s wearing jewelry I chose and paid for, that she’s driving the car I know she loves that I picked out for her.

Instead of taking a right to the Ashford house, I follow her car. I stay far enough back she won’t notice me, even allowing a car or two to come between us. She drives through the suburbs, entering the highway and heading for downtown. She parks on a street, stepping out and heading toward a small coffee shop with full plateglass windows that allow me to see her inside.

I park a few spots away on the opposite side of the street, watching her as she steps to the counter and places her order. She looks down at her phone as she waits for her order when a man with long blond hair pulled up into a knot on the top of his head approaches her. I see him touch her arm softly, her face lifting from her phone as a grin spreads across her lips. Clearly, she knows the man. Her smile turns into a laugh as she reaches her arms up and wraps them around his neck, hugging him.

The leather of my steering wheel squeaks beneath the grip of my hands, my knuckles turning white as my chest burns.

Was she lying? Is she dating already?

“He’s not her fucking type,” I try to tell myself as the man’s hands linger on her waist far longer than necessary after they hug. “What the fuck?” I grab for the door handle, ready to walk into the coffee shop and rip that guy out by his fucking man bun when I see him reach his hand up and run it through her hair. I stop myself, remembering that I’m not only following her without her knowledge, but I can’t be drawing any more attention to myself from authorities right now.

I can’t do anything but sit in my misery as I watch her laugh and flirt with a man whom I’ve never seen before. A moment later, she’s reaching for her coffee from the barista and hugging the strange man again before offering him a sweet wave and heading out to her car.

I’m torn. Do I follow her or do I follow this guy and set him fucking straight? I turn my car on, deciding to follow Emery. She pulls back into traffic, heading three blocks up and turning into the parking garage of Ashford Enterprises.

“What are you doing, Emery?”

In the years that I’ve known her, not once has she been interested in Dane’s business. At least, according to Dane. She was happy to listen to him complain. He always said she was the best listener about work, but other than an office holiday party, she never went to his office. He didn’t think she had the capability to actually understand business like he did.

“It’s not like she has any idea what I’m actually talking about when I vent about work. She’s a woman, nice to look at it, but it’s best her mouth is only open when she’s on her knees.” He laughs, elbowing my side as if I would agree with him.

“I think she has a pretty good grasp on it; she’s wise beyond her years.”

His hand pauses halfway to his mouth with a lit cigar. “Since when? You guys braid each other’s hair and talk about the quarterly numbers?” He shakes his head, taking a long pull from the cigar, the tip glowing bright orange. “Call me old school, but I think women need to stay out of the boardroom and in the bedroom… or kitchen.”

I never argued with Dane. When he said sexist bullshit like that, I would tell him he was wrong and that old school wasn’t the term he was looking for—it was misogynist—but he’d always shrug it off, calling me a pussy.

Frustrated that following her has only confused me further, I decide to go to the gym and get out some of my frustration. Not even twenty minutes into my boxing warmup, my phone rings.