Page 46 of The Guardian

“Good news then?”

“Yeah, I guess I didn’t tell you, but we have a whistleblower who is finally willing to come forward and testify against Delmore. She worked in their HR department and heard the victims’ testimonies and complaints firsthand. She even started recording her meetings about these complaints and has evidence of the CEO saying to ignore them and that they would behandled,” she says, using air quotes. “I depose her on Tuesday. I figure that by Friday, we should have the settlement offer we want in hand.” She smiles confidently.

“That’s great news.” I smile, hoping it hides the fact that I’m not obtuse when it comes to the reality that great news for the case means she and I will no longer be working together.

“Yeah, I feel like my stress level is slowly lowering just a teeny tiny bit at a time.” She lets out a long sigh just as Chloe comes back downstairs.

“I’m ready!” she says, waiting for us to follow her into the living room. I’m suddenly very aware of my presence in this house and realize I should head upstairs and allow them to enjoy their evening.

“Well, you ladies have a good night, and Chloe, enjoyHe-Man. I can’t wait to hear what you think about it.”

“You’re not gonna watch it with us?” Her eyes look sad and I instantly feel guilty.

“Oh, I thought that it was you and your mom’s time. I don’t want to intrude.”

“Maybe just one episode?” Juliette asks.

I pause, debating. “Okay, one episode.”

Chloe settles against her mom on the couch and I sit on the other end, keeping plenty of space between us. I find the show and start it, leaning back to rest my arm over the back of the couch. A few minutes later, Chloe is fully engrossed in the cartoon, leaning halfway off the couch, completely fixated on the screen. I feel a slight touch on my fingers, glancing over to see Juliette’s outstretched arm reaching for my hand. She keeps her eyes forward as she intertwines our fingers. I stare at her, wondering what she’s thinking—if this is still just some fun, or if it’s more. In all my years of havingarrangementswith women, it never became romantic. There were no stolen kisses, no holding hands, no flirty glances like there are between us.

“I should do a lap of the grounds,” I say, dropping her hand and standing up.

“Are you leaving already?” Chloe asks, turning around to look up at me.

“I’ll be back. Just want to walk around the yard. Enjoy your show.” I smile, nodding toward the TV. She turns back around, and before Juliette can lock eyes with me, I turn and walk out of the living room and head toward the front door.

I double and triple-check the cameras, then the locks on the doors and windows. I do three full laps before taking a seat on the back porch, looking up at the sky that’s barely visible with the amount of lights in the city. I think about Zane, about Sierra, about the baby I thought was mine. Finally, I head back inside, knowing I can’t stay out here forever.

“Last episode,” Juliette says to Chloe as the next one starts.

“Ladies, I’m going to head to bed if that’s okay.”

“Okay, good night,” Chloe says, already engrossed in the next episode.

“You sure?” Juliette looks at me questioningly.

“Yeah.” I rub my eyes with my thumb and forefinger. “Been a long day. Thank you again for dinner. It was delicious.” I offer up the best smile I can muster, but I know my face is saying something completely different. “Good night.”

I walk upstairs, already pissed at the pathetic pity party I’m throwing for myself internally.

You did this to yourself. You pursued her. You told her it would never be anything more.

I try to tell myself over and over that I have no one to blame other than myself for the fact that I’m falling for her. I want her to see that there’s more between us. I’m angry that she’s doing exactly what sheshoulddo . . . protecting herself from a man like me.

I take my time in the shower, allowing myself to feel whatever the fuck it is I’m feeling, but telling myself that this is it. Get it out of your head, out of your system, because starting tomorrow, this thing between Juliette and me is over. It’s back to strictly business.

When I finally crawl into bed and shut off the light on my nightstand, I’m exhausted from the internal battle in my head. A shadow by the door catches my eye and I dart up. Then there’s the softest knock. I don’t answer and I hear it again. I watch as the shadow hovers by my door for another moment then quickly disappears. I tiptoe to the door, opening it softly and looking down the hallway to see Juliette walking away.

I want to tell her to turn around—to grab her and lose myself in her one last time—but I don’t. Instead, I close the door again, letting her walk away, because we both know there’s only one way things will end between us.



Istand outside Alex’s door, my hand paused midair as I decide if I should knock louder. I shake off the nervousness, knocking again, but still, there’s no answer.

My shoulders drop in disappointment as I turn and tiptoe down the hallway back to my bedroom. I had hoped all the tension building between us during dinner prep and watching Chloe’s show was leading somewhere, but I guess he really is exhausted.