Page 174 of Haunted

“Your days won’t look all that different,” Teague told him. “The guests are still here to chill, and that’ll mean riding. So just go about your work as usual. The only difference is, we don’t know how experienced any of ’em are on a horse, so you might get guys who know how to ride, and total newbies. Play it by ear.”

“If they’re stayin’ in the new barn—we can’t keep callin’ it that, by the way,” Zeeb remonstrated. “And I sure as shit ain’t callin’ it the Deliverance barn.”

“Then how about the Leather Barn? Just among us?”

Zeeb grinned. “I like that. Okay, if they’re stayin’ in the Leather Barn, where do they eat? They gonna come over here?”

Teague shook his head. “They’ll have their meals up at the house. One of the perks of their stay.”

Walt smiled. “I expect they’ll feel right at home with Toby and the boss.”

“I think that’s the idea,” Butch murmured. His chances of getting to see Sol were growing slimmer by the second.

“So what happens when they arrive? Do they just… get down to it?” Zeeb asked.

“‘Get down to it’?” Matt cackled. “What do our usual guests do on arrival day?”

Zeeb shrugged. “Unpack, chill, have supper, and then early bed.”

“Which is probably what these guys will do too, especially if they’ve traveled a distance to get here.”

“It’s exciting,” Walt remarked. “I’ve been thinking about it all week.” He glanced at Butch. “You have too, I guess.”

He frowned. “What makes you say that?”

“You’ve been real jumpy, like you’ve got ants in your pants or something.”

“You’re imagining things,” Butch retorted.

Damn. Am Ithattransparent?

“I keep wondering what they’ll be like,” Paul mused.

Butch’s nerves got the better of him. “You already know that. Just look at Toby and the boss.”

“What do you mean?”

“It ain’t all leather an’ whips an’ shit, and it’s nothing like what you see on those videos.” He stared at the faces around the table. “And don’t tell me you haven’t looked at ’em, because that’s horse shit and everyone here knows it. Ofcourseyou have. Weallhave. We’re curious as fuck.” The memory of the two men in that kitchen, the intimacy he’d witnessed, had lingered with him.

That’s what BDSM looks like away from the leather, the spanking, the paddles, all of it. That’s the face of it youdon’tsee on those videos.

Zeeb gaped at him. “Well, if that don’t beat all. This, from a guy who until just recently, wouldn’t even admit—”

“You don’t have to remind me,” Butch interjected. “But a guy can change, can’t he?”

“He sure can.” Teague’s voice was warm. “But guys… if youdosee some of the guests in leather—or very little clothing—you don’t stare, okay?” Teague told them all. “Your job this week is to be there if they need anything. You won’t be cleaning up after them—Toby says they’ll take care of the barn, because that’s what they do. So really, you’re gonna have an easy week.”

“And don’t forget, you’re all coming with me on Thursday to help me celebrate the big forty,” Zeeb added with a grin.

Butch’s phone buzzed, and he glanced at the screen.

On my way.

Fuck, if that didn’t make him feel like a million bucks.

By the time supper had come and gone, Butch was pissed beyond belief. He knew Sol had arrived, along with all the other guests, but there’d been no chance to pay a visit. The water heater in the bunkhouse chose that day of all days to die, and it fell to Butch to try and fix it, which ate up a couple of hours, but hell, he wanted another shower before he saw Sol. Then Teague called to say the guy who delivered the containers of drinking water had shortchanged them by two, and when Toby had signed for them, he hadn’t noticed. So Butch had to drive to Bozeman to pick up the containers, because the delivery guy was unable to do a return trip due to his wife going into labor a week early, which probably accounted for his mistake—his mind was understandably elsewhere.

When supper arrived, it became clear no one had spied any of the guests, and it hadn’t been for want of trying. Then Paul announced he’d seen them all heading up the hill to the house, and that they all looked normal.