Page 96 of Haunted

Toby nodded. “If you’re going to take anything away from this conversation, let it be two words that are at the heart of what you’re going to witness—Domination and submission. Because you’re going to see a lot of that. Look ’em up when you get back to the bunkhouse.” His expression grew grave. “So… do you think you can remember all that?”

One by one, the hands nodded.

Toby’s face glowed. “Thanks, guys. There’s a lot riding on this.”

Walt chuckled. “And nowI’mcurious too.”

The men filed out, chatting among themselves.

Sol packed away his camera equipment, and Toby walked over to him and patted him on the back. “You rock, you know that?”

Sol chuckled. “You come out with stuff like that, and I’m reminded of the difference in our ages. I’m assuming that was a compliment.”

“It was.” Toby glanced toward the doorway. “Did I lay it on too thick?”

“No, I think you hit just the right note. It was exactly what they needed—a splash of cold reality. They walked in here with one set of ideas, and you showed them a different point of view. You certainly gave them food for thought.” He lowered his gaze to take in Toby’s leather pants. “I think seeing you in those was probably a revelation too.”

Toby grinned. “You know what? I think I’ll keep these on.”

Sol laughed. “Yeah, I couldn’t think why you’d want to do that. Have a good night.”

The glint in Toby’s eyes said plenty. “I intend to. Switch off the lights when you’re done?”

Sol assured him he would, and Toby hurried out of the barn. Sol couldn’t help smiling.

Doesn’t take a genius to work out what’s about to take place up at the big house.

He disassembled the folding tripod and stuffed it into the backpack’s side pocket. He’d put all the toys and implements back in their rightful places in the morning. As he went to place the camera into his backpack, a voice startled him.

“Can I see the photo?” Butch stood in the doorway.

“I thought everyone had gone.”

He came into the room, and it occurred to Sol that Butch was hot even when clothed. His dark blue tee hugged his body like a second skin.

How come I never noticed what a bear he is?

The kind of bear Sol wouldn’t mind encountering on a dark night.

“I waited till you were on your own. I didn’t get a chance to see the photo you took of me.”

Sol scrolled past the shot of Butch’s arm to the photo where his head was bowed. “Here it is.”

Butch gazed at it. “You’re a good photographer.”

“Thank you.”

Butch handed the camera back to him. “Well, I guess I’d better say goodnight. I’ve got a long day tomorrow.”

“It’ll be weird not seeing you around the place,” Sol admitted.

“Ditto.” Butch opened his mouth, then closed it again.

“Something you want to talk about?”

Butch shook his head.

“Then I’ll walk back with you. I’m done here.” Sol fastened the backpack, switched off the lights, and they headed for the door.