Page 65 of Haunted

Whoever was in there clearly wanted privacy, and they’d picked the perfect place.

He patted Bailey’s long neck. “I don’t think we should be here, boy.” Sol continued along the creek, losing himself in the babbling waters that tumbled over rocks, the cool, dark forest with its abundant foliage, a mix of browns and greens, and the light that changed from minute to minute.

By the time the sun was up, he was starting to get hungry, so he turned around and headed back to the ranch. As he returned to the cabin, he noted the horses were gone.

Sol was dying to see what the cabin was like on the inside.

Paul was waiting for him as he neared the corral.

“Good ride?”

Sol smiled. “You know it.” He used the fence to dismount. “By the way… I found the creek, and saw a cute little cabin not far from it. There were a couple of horses there, a palomino and a black horse. Do they belong to the ranch?” He led Bailey into the stable, Paul at his side.

Paul nodded. “That would be Rusty and Lightning.” He pointed, and sure enough, there were the horses in their stalls, eating. “They belong to the boss and Toby. The cabin was the boss’s mom’s. They like to go there most mornings.” He smiled. “I think that’s a good sign.”


Paul’s face tightened. “The foreman before Teague was a guy called Kevin Porter. About five years ago, he fell off Lightning down by the creek and broke his neck. He and the boss… Well…”

Sol saw the light. “Then he’s exorcising ghosts.”

Paul frowned. “Huh?”

Sol returned his smile. “Not literally. But you’re right. It’s good he can go there again.” His stomach grumbled. “And now I’d better see if Zeeb was as good as his word and saved me some breakfast.”

Paul laughed. “Good luck with that. Don’t worry if it’s all gone. Matt’s a sweetheart. He’ll make you something.”

Sol thanked him, gave Bailey one last pat, then walked out of the stable—

To find Butch blocking his path, his hands on his hips, a white hat with brown trim on his head.

He looked Sol in the eye.

“You’re right. We need to talk.”

Chapter 16

Thank God.

Sol glanced around them. “Here?”

Butch rolled his eyes. “Sure. I want everyone knowing my business.” He pointed to the barn. “No one will disturb us in there.”

“Then lead the way.” Sol walked behind him, drinking in the view. Butch had always been tall, but he’d filled out in other directions since high school. He seemed to be a walking mass of muscle, and Sol was doing his best not to stare.

A muscled body was one of his weak spots.

But he was your weak spot long before those muscles ever put in an appearance. You know, when you thought he was straight?

That had to be the burning question Sol wanted to ask—when had Butch known he was into guys? And if that was truly the case, why would he claim to be straight, like Zeeb said?

Okay, maybe two questions.

Butch pushed the door open. Sol walked in, and Butch peered through the open doorway before closing it. The first rays of sunlight pierced the murky interior, and Sol glanced at his surroundings. Heavy wooden beams crossed the space above their heads, a ladder fastened to one of the pillars that supported them. Bales of hay stood around, and there were more in the roof space. The smell evoked memories of childhood, of playing hide and seek with Alli, hiding from his mom…

Butch came to a halt in front of the bales and turned to face him. “What are you doing at Salvation? Did you know I was here?”

Sol stared at him. “That’swhat you’re going to start with? After thirty-four years? You think I came here to findyou? How could I have known you were here?”