Page 60 of Haunted

He was due a change in fortune.

Butch headed for Teague’s cabin, his feet heavy as he followed the path. He wasn’t sure what kind of reception awaited him, but hell, they had history, and it was the first thing Butch could come up with.

The cabin was in darkness, and Butch felt a momentary stab of regret before he rapped on the door. It took a minute for him to hear any movement inside, and then a light flickered into existence. The door opened, and Teague stood there in his shorts, rubbing his hand through his hair.

“Something wrong?”

“Can I come in?”

Teague stared at him for a second, then stood aside. Butch went inside, and he closed the door.

“I’m kinda surprised to find you here. Didn’t we talk about this very thing not twenty-four hours ago?”

Butch held his hand up. “Now wait a sec. I’m not here because I couldn’t get through another night without your ass, okay?”

Teague blinked. “Wow. You know how to wound a guy, don’t you?”

“Look, I just need a place to sleep right now that isn’t the bunkhouse.”

“Seriously?” Teague stared at him.

“I’ll sleep on the couch, all right? You’ll never even know I’m here.”

Please, say yes.

Teague said nothing, and with every second that ticked by, Butch’s heartbeat climbed another notch.

At last Teague spoke.

“I don’t know what’s going on, but it doesn’t take a genius to see you’re running away from something.”

Aw crap.

“You’re not gonna let me stay, are you?”

Teague shook his head.

“Go back to bed, Butch. Whatever this is, you need to sort it out.”

“You don’t understand,” Butch protested.

“No, I don’t.” Teague glanced at his phone on the coffee table. “It’s two in the morning, Butch. In a few hours it’ll be time to get everyone up and ready for the day. So go back to your bunk, try to switch your damn brain off, and get some sleep. And if you still need to talk, then sure, we can talk. In daylight.” He opened the door. “I’m sorry.”

“Not as sorry as I’m gonna be,” Butch murmured as he brushed past Teague and walked briskly toward the bunkhouse.

“Butch, you’re an intelligent guy,” Teague called after him. “You can work this out, whatever it is.”

He’s right. I’m being stupid. I’m better than this.

Butch reached the bunkhouse and opened the door carefully. He crept back to his bed, undressed, and climbed under the covers once more, his heart pounding.

It’s only a week. How bad can it get?

“Butch.” Sol’s whisper made him jump. “We need to talk, but not now.”

Shit. He was deluding himself.

It could getreallybad.