“Robert’s fine,” Toby assured him.
Butch gave his brow an exaggerated wipe. “Thank God. I thought for a minute something was wrong.”
When Toby’s expression didn’t change, that trickle of ice swelled into a flood.
“Somethingiswrong, isn’t it?”
“Let’s go for a walk.”
Butch frowned. “Now? Sorry, but can this wait? I need to get back to Sol.” He flushed. “I don’t know if you heard about last—”
“Butch.” Toby looked miserable as fuck. “Sol’s gone.”
The words did not compute.
“Gone where?”
“To the airport, half an hour ago.”
Butch’s brain seemed to be stuck in neutral. “No, that can’t be right. His flight’s tomorrow.”
“Something came up.”
Toby’s words finally sank in.
“But… he wouldn’t have left without saying goodbye.” Butch pulled his phone from his pocket and checked for messages.
Ice packed around Butch’s heart and he struggled to breathe.
“Did… did he say when he’d be visiting Salvation again?”
Please tell me he’s coming back. Throw me a lifeline here.
Toby swallowed, and the pain Butch saw in his eyes sent a spike of fear lancing through him, a shard of hot steel searing him.
“I don’t think he’ll be back,” Toby said in a low voice.
Then it hit him.
He wasn’t asleep, was he? He heard every word I said. Jesus. Me and my big mouth.
So much for thinking he and Sol were on the same page.
They weren’t even in the same book.
“It’s my fault,” he murmured, his throat tight.
Toby frowned. “What makes you say that?”
Butch didn’t answer. He was too busy trying to remember everything he’d said. One line stood out.
I guess that’s what it feels like when you love someone.
There could only be one explanation. Butch had gotten it all so fucking wrong.
It was just sex, wasn’t it? I read way too much into it.