Page 198 of Haunted

Butch couldn’t hold in his whimpers, unable to form words, just noises that sounded raw and primal. Sol let go of his hands, and Butch held onto Sol’s shoulders, deepening their kisses, digging his fingers into the muscled flesh.

Sol cradled his head with both hands, holding him steady while he slid into him, slowing the pace for a brief moment before returning to his previous frenetic pace.

Butch knew he was getting close. “I’m gonna shoot,” he cried out.

Sol propped himself up on his hands, hips rolling, dick going deep. “Touch yourself. I want to watch you come.”

Butch worked his cock, his body alive with sensation, skin tingling, and then he came, crying out, unable to contain the overwhelming feelings of pleasure inside him. Warmth coated his chest and belly, and Sol scooped it up on his fingers and licked up every drop.

Butch shuddered with every jolt of his orgasm, and then he felt it, a throbbing inside him, accompanied by Sol’s groan. Sol stilled, but the throb of his dick continued, and Sol made it perfect by joining their lips in another kiss.

Butch didn’t want to move, didn’t want to shatter the moment, but eventually Sol eased out of him, leaving an ache that was more than physical. Sol dealt with the condom, then pulled Butch into an upright position, Butch’s legs over his, and kissed his neck, his lips, his hands gentle on Butch’s back.

It was the perfect ending.

Butch looped his arms around Sol’s neck. “Wow. I feel cheated.”

Sol blinked. “What do you mean?”

“If my first time taking a dick had been like this… I keep thinking of all those years when I kept saying no, I don’t do that.”

Sol laughed. “Better late than never, right?” He stroked Butch’s cheek. “Imagine what it would feel like fucking me—with a butt plug in your ass, nudging your prostate every time you drive into me.”

Butch gaped at him. “You had to go and say that, right?”

Sol chuckled, then cupped Butch’s nape and drew him in for a tender kiss. “I have things to do today, and I’m sure you do, but I’m hoping you’ll be back in my bed tonight.”

Butch bit his lip. “As long as you don’t have any plans for my ass. Because I don’t think I could manage that twice in one day.”

Sol smiled. “Your ass will be in safe hands. But I do have plans for you tomorrow. I just need to do a little research first.”

Butch cocked his head. “That all I get?”

“For now, yes.”

He had to say something. He couldn’t leave it like this.

“Sol… That was…” He swallowed, lost for words.

Sol kissed him. “I know. And later, we’ll talk, okay?”

He nodded. Talk would have to wait until his brain cells decided to work again.

Chapter 47

Monday, September 26

“Hey, look what the cat dragged in.” Zeeb’s eyes sparkled. “So youdostill work here, right? The boss didn’t fire your ass?”

Butch had expected Zeeb to be the first one to comment. “Nope, you don’t get rid of me that easy. And itistime for breakfast, so where else would I be?” He pulled out a chair and sat at the table. “How’s today looking?” It still felt weird, not having guests in the bunkhouse.

“I’m checking the fences,” Walt told him. “Me and Owen are riding out to see what needs repairing and where.”

“And I’m riding a trail with Stephen, one of the guests,” Zeeb added. “He got along great yesterday morning, considerin’ it was his first time on horseback, and he wants to go for a ride.”

Matt bustled in, his arms full. “Eggs, bacon and sausage. I’ll be back in a sec with the hash browns.” He deposited the food, then disappeared through the door.

Butch made a beeline for the eggs. “I’m starved.”