Page 171 of Haunted

“I know, but not yet.”

He arched his eyebrows. “Are you for real?” His voice was loud enough to raise a squeak or two from somewhere up among the rafters.

“Hush now. They’ll hear you.” Sol smiled. “Touch yourself. One hand on your cock while you play with your nipples.”

Butch curled his fingers around his warm solid dick, feeling it throb in his hand, and tweaked a nipple with thumb and forefinger, sending a zing of electricity all the way to his balls, shooting along his shaft.

“This is torture,” he whined.

“Feels good though, doesn’t it? And when you do come, it’ll feel even better.”

“So you say.” Not that he had any reason to doubt Sol.He nailed it about the ass play, didn’t he?Butch slid his fingers up and down his shaft, fighting the urge to shoot his load right then and there.

“Now a little harder.”

“Sol, please,” he begged.

“Not till I say. Can you do that? For me?”

“I’ll try, but if you suddenly can’t see, you’ll know I shot all over the camera lens.” The comment wasn’t entirely humorous.

Sol moved forward, and when he sat back, Butch had a much better view. Sol leaned against a mound of pillows, his jeans around his knees, and his hand on his cock, tugging on it with languid strokes.

“See if we can come together,” Sol said with a smile. “Think we can aim for that?”

Butch chuckled and gripped his dick. “This is likely to go off at hair-trigger speed, you know that right?”

Sol grinned. “I’m pretty close myself. I’ve been thinking about this all freaking day.”

“Getting one off?”

“No—watching you come.”

Damn, that made him feel amazing.

“One hand on your shaft, the other on your balls,” Sol directed, his own hand providing quite the distraction.

Butch worked his cock, and all too soon that buzz he’d been experiencing all week morphed into something much more intense, and he knew it wouldn’t be long before the fireworks started.

“Sol, for fuck’s sake, say the word.”

Sol ignored the plea. “You look so fucking beautiful in that light. Your muscles, your pecs…”

Oh dear God, he was seconds away from losing it.

“Sol,” he begged. “Not sure I can take much more.” He closed his eyes, as if that would help him fend off his impending climax.

“Butch, look at me.”

He opened his eyes and found Sol staring at him, his hand a blur on his cock.

“You can come now.”

A groan forced its way out of him from someplace deep, his dick throbbed in his hand, and cum pulsed from the slit, his legs threatening to collapse under him as he shot onto the straw-covered floor. It seemed to be a never-ending stream, and he moaned, not wanting the waves of pleasure to stop.

Sol tugged on his own cock, aimed for his chest and groaned as he shot hard, sagging into the pillows, his body trembling.

Neither of them spoke for a minute or two, until finally Butch’s brain cells unscrambled enough to try speech again.