Page 156 of Haunted

“Do we have time for a last look at the stable?” Gary asked. “I wanted to say goodbye to Paul too.”

“Sure.” Butch pulled his phone out and checked the time. “You’ve got about fifteen minutes before we have to be out of here.”


“Here.” Matt tossed them a couple of apples from the bowl on the table. He grinned. “For the horses.”

They laughed and headed outside.

Matt was on his phone a heartbeat later, still grinning.

“And what’s got you so goddamn happy?” Butch demanded.

Matt’s eyes gleamed. “I’ve got a date tonight.”

Zeeb snorted. “Is that what we’re calling it now?”

Matt gave him the finger, then turned to Butch. “You did say the cabin would be ready by the weekend, didn’t you?”

Butch stared at him. “We haven’t even drawn up a roster yet. The paint’s hardly dry.”

Matt rolled his eyes. “We’re not going there to admire your handiwork, Butch.”

Butch put his hands on his hips. “This ‘date’ of yours,” he said, hooking his fingers in the air, “Can he ride a horse?”

Matt’s lips twitched. “I don’t know. It wasn’t listed as one of his skills on his profile.” Then he grinned. “Wait—I tell a lie. He did say he likes riding.” His eyes held a wicked twinkle. “I just don’t think he was talking about a horse.”

That earned him a cackle from Zeeb.

“Then take him the back way to the cabin, in a truck.”

Matt nodded, smiling. “Good thinking. Thanks.”

“Well, that’s all settled,” Teague announced. “Matt gets first use of the cabin.” He frowned. “Wait a minute. Your date might have to be canceled. The boss has moved next week’s Saturday supper to this evening.”

Matt blinked. “When did he do that?”

“Just now. That’s one of the reasons I came down here.”

Matt ran his fingers through his hair. “Okay. I guess I can have everything ready for supper time. I was going to meet this dude at eight o’clock.” He chuckled. “You’ll have eaten everything but the dining table by then. If a couple of you would clean up after, I’d be most grateful.”

Walt stroked his excuse for a beard. “Let me see. Volunteer to load the dishwasher while you’re out having a good time…” He grinned. “Course we will. We’ll just be jealous as hell while we do it.”

“Why did the boss move it?” Zeeb asked Teague.

“I think that’s because Monday’s party sorta fell flat, understandably. But now he’s got something to celebrate.”

“When do you think we’ll see Diana here again?” Butch had wanted to visit her in the hospital, but Toby’s request to work on the cabin had kept him busy, and besides, she had the boss and Newt there every day. She didn’t need to see him.

“Don’t rightly know.” Teague glanced at the bunkhouse interior. “We’ve got two guests arriving at three o’clock, and two more at five. Just make sure—”

“Don’t worry, this place will be shining like a new penny by the time they get here,” Butch assured him. “How’re we lookin’ for the grand opening?”

Only two weeks to go.My, but the time has flown.

Teague pulled out his phone. “So far… nine bodies. That’s two singles—one of them Sol—two couples, and a throuple.”

“A what?” Zeeb gave him a puzzled glance.