Page 128 of Haunted

He chuckled. “Sol suggestedBound Salvation, which I also like.”

“Yeah, me too.” He paused. “I’m still intrigued how you got Paul to agree to your proposal. Which is not me raking over the coals of our fight, by the way, but just genuine interest.”

“Hey, he surprised the hell out of me too.” Toby took a drink. “Of all the guys who work here, he’s something of a closed book.” He smiled. “An enigma, that’s what he is.”

Robert chuckled. “More than you know.”

“What do you mean?”

He rolled the bottle between his palms. “I was twenty-nine when my dad brought him home. A wet, skinny boy of seventeen.”

Toby nodded. “Yeah, he’d fallen in the river, hadn’t he? And your dad saved him.”

Robert didn’t meet his gaze but took another drink before speaking. “Sure, we’ll go with that.”

He frowned. “Well, that’s what happened, right? I mean, that’s what he told me. He said something else too, about having a—”

“Chip on his shoulder? Something about him resenting the fact that a white man had built this ranch on land that had once belonged to his people?”

Toby stared at him. “That was pretty much word for word.”

Robert chuckled. “Anyone who asks, he tells them the same story. I can probably recite that wholespeechword for word. It’s almost as if he memorized it.”

Paul had suddenly gotten interesting.

“Where did he come from? Do you know?”

Robert stroked his beard. “I think Dad said northern Cheyenne. He also said Paul was pretty vague on the details. He talked once about taking Paul back to see his family, to let them know he was okay.” His brow furrowed. “He said Paul went as pale as new-fallen snow, which when you consider his coloring…” He sighed. “Dad never mentioned it again.”

Toby finished his beer. “I think I’d better go see Paul in the morning.” Robert arched his eyebrows, and he let out a sigh. “I need to apologize. You’re right. I shouldn’t have involved him.”

More than that, he wanted to see if that story came out the same way twice. Because that wasallkinds of intriguing.

Robert put his bottle on the table, stood, and held out his hand.

“I do believe I have a date with your ass.” His eyes twinkled. “And I’m not in the least bit tired. I could probably go for hours.”

Toby laughed as he took Robert’s hand. “Payback is a bitch? Is that what you’re telling me?”

“I wouldn’t call it payback, more… fucking every drop of cum from your body.” That twinkle again. “Sir.”

Toby followed him into the house.

Topping while bottoming was fast becoming one of his favorite pastimes.


Chapter 30

Butch did a last look around the bunkhouse for any trash to take out. He was taking advantage of the lack of guests and getting a head start for the following changeover day. Besides, staying busy was a surefire way to keep his mind off things.

Except there was only one thing on his mind—Sol.

I wonder how he’s celebrating Labor Day.

He smiled to himself. He’d gotten the impression Sol was a workaholic, so he’d probably be on his laptop.

The door opened and Teague walked in.