Page 1 of Haunted




I gazed at the faces around the table. Robert had made the pitch, and now it was up to them. “So, what do you think?”

Butch stroked his chin. “Let me see if I’ve got this right. You wanna bring a load of gay guys to Salvation, to get up to a load of kinky shit?”

Robert coughed. “Pretty much, yeah.”

“But we wouldn’t have toseethe kinky shit, right? Or participate in it?”

“Absolutely not.”

I grinned. “Unless you wanted to.”

Butch’s lips parted, and I would have given anything to know what passed through his mind right then.

Zeeb looked me in the eye. “So this means you’ll stay?”

I smiled. “It does.”

He mimed mopping his brow. “Well, thank fuck for that. Looks like I don’t have to kill you after all.”

“I like the idea,” Teague announced, putting his phone on the table. He grinned.

“What are you thinking?”

He’d been on his phone as soon as Robert had shared my proposal.

“Oh, just imagining this place, with guys walking around in leather, or jocks, or nothing but boots and a leash.”

I arched my eyebrows. “Someone’sbeen doing some research.”

He flushed.

Walt chuckled. “Wow, things sure could get interesting around here. One week per month? It’ll make the rest of the month seem tame in comparison.”

“So you’re all with me on this?” Robert asked.

“Withus,” I amended, and he gave me a grateful smile.

“With us,” he echoed.

Chapter 1

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Butch Buchanan leaned on the fence that surrounded the paddock, yearning for a cigarette and watching the sky reveal its colors for the new day. The sun had been up maybe ten minutes or so, but the guests in the bunkhouse were still sleeping. After a week of being up before dawn, this was a luxury only afforded them the day they were due to leave Salvation.

Butch had been awake for an hour or so, early enough to catch sight of Toby Merrow and the boss trotting out on Lightning and Rusty, heading for the pasture. It had become a thing of theirs during the last three weeks, a morning ride before the sun came up, when the world was painted in twilight, hues of purple and pink that would soon give way to orange and red.

Is it only three weeks since Toby became a permanent fixture around here? Day-um.

A helluva lot had changed in such a relatively short time. For one thing, two weeks ago the cement trucks had arrived, and when they’d left, there was a flat surface that was to be the base of the new barn. A week after that, the walls had gone up, along with the joists for the upper floor. And when Monday morning arrived, so would the carpenters and plumbers, ready to work their magic. Butch marveled at the speed with which Toby and the boss had gotten the blueprints ready. He’d taken a peek. The upper floor was to be accommodation in small rooms, nothing fancy, just a sink, a toilet, and of course a bed. A large shower room would take over one corner of the floor, and that was no mean feat, getting the water system designed.

The first floor, however? That was intriguing. There was to be one main room, with smaller ones set off from it, but that wasn’t the interesting part.