He shook his head. “Not really. The only cameras we have are on the back dock. We had to install them last year due to an incident with a delivery driver.”
“Where is your dock?”
He pointed toward the back of the restaurant, right where the restrooms were.
I rushed in that direction with him at my heels, hoping to find a trace of the woman I loved. When I stormed out the back door, I saw that trace I’d been looking for in the form of a glittering gold choker lying broken on the ground. I stopped to pick it up.
“This belongs to the woman I’ve been tasked with protecting. How quickly can you spool up the security feed from the last hour or so?”
“I don’t know if I’m allowed to do that,” the manager replied.
I turned to face him. “What’s your name?”
“Douglas Farmsworth. I’ve only been in this position a few months. I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize my job.”
“Well, Douglas, you’d be doing that right now. A woman has been abducted from your establishment and every second we waste arguing when we could be saving her life is gonna to come back to haunt you. Do you want that on your conscience?”
His expression morphed into a conflicted one as he looked me over.
“How about you load up the security footage and call the police if you feel the need. Right now, I just need to do my job.”
He finally nodded and I followed him into the back office. Thankfully, it only took him a few minutes to pull up the footage. I fast-forwarded until I saw Aprilia walk out the back door onto the dock, where she was immediately jumped by some guy wearing a black T-shirt and jeans. He had dark hair and huge muscles. To my eye, he looked like a hired gun. A van pulled up and he threw her inside. It happened pretty fast. I didn’t recognize the man and couldn’t make out the blurry faces of the others.
I pulled out my phone and sent a text to all my club brothers.
Aprilia was abducted from Bennigan’s approximately thirty minutes ago. She was thrown in a white panel van by a hired gun I didn’t recognize. They have the whole thing caught on their security feed.
Immediately, texts began flowing in.
Hacker:I’m on my way to copy the security feed.
Storm:We’re going to hit the road and see if we can locate the van.
Grit:I’m close to the main drag. I’ll monitor the only road out of town.
Celt:I’m about twelve miles southwest of town. I’ll begin patrolling the highway and see if we can catch them before they get too far away.
Feeling like Celt had the right idea, I texted back,I’ll join you. My best guess is they had enough time to get out of town with her by now.
Turing to the manager, I alerted him to expect Hacker. “Our security firm has an IT specialist by the name of Hacker. He’s on his way to grab a copy of the security feed. Maybe he can isolate the license plate number.”
“I can’t give control of our system over to a hacker.” His tone was nothing short of scared shitless.
“That’s not his occupation, it’s his nickname. He used to be with military intelligence and is good with computers. Move these chairs so he can get his wheelchair into your office. If you don’t want him touching your shit, he can talk you through it verbally.”
Without giving him an opportunity to respond, I stomped out of his office and left the restaurant as my stomach twisted with worry. I was barely holding it together because I knew losing my shit wouldn’t help save Aprilia’s life.
I got on my bike and sped toward the interstate. My head was filled with images of her screaming for me, needing me, and me not being there for her. I shoved all that away and turned the situation over in my head rationally. I didn’t think Nicco, his brothers, or Don Diavonte would have tried to snatch Aprilia. They wouldn’t have had enough time to realize we were together and execute a kidnapping. The fucker stalking her might be involved, but he had already been set up to grab her at the meet up. Either he couldn’t wait to get his hands on her, or it was an opportunistic spur of the moment act by some rando who saw her walk out that back door and nabbed her.
The big question was why she went out the back door. Was she running from me? My gut told me no. She’d been having an amazing time just moments before, laughing and flirting with me. It almost felt like she had been lured outside, maybe by someone knocking, pretending they accidentally locked themselves out.
Aprilia was beautiful enough to turn any man’s head. It was unfortunate that she caught the eye of some sick fuck who was willing to abduct her to get her attention.
It didn’t take me long to catch up with Celt on the interstate. We took turns taking every exit to check that they hadn’t stopped to get gas. I was desperate to find her. I kept my phone in a cradle attached to one handlebar. I couldn’t keep up with all the texts coming through from my club brothers, but when I saw big red exclamation marks preceding, I pulled over to read it. The message was from Hacker. He was tracking her cell phone and saw she was halfway to LA. He dropped a slowly moving pin on our map app. I hauled ass to catch up with her, my heart pounding in my chest.
I couldn’t help but wonder if this was a trap. Abductors usually took away their victim’s cell phone immediately, unless they didn’t think she had it with her, she’d left her purse at the table—that opened up another possibility, had someone been watching us? It didn’t matter if it was a trap, it was our only chance at getting to the bottom of who took her and saving her from whatever dark deeds the crazy fuckers had in mind for her.
I broke the speed limit to get to her, noticing my club brothers were doing the same. I had to find her untouched or I was going to lose my fucking mind. I kept glancing down at the map and realized it was not only leading me off the interstate, but Aprilia had stopped moving. Maybe they’d stopped for gas, or they’d reached their destination. My mind jumped from wondering if whoever this was wanted to force some kind of information out of her, to whether some filthy asshole was already putting his hands on her.