Page 45 of Mason

We made a production of chatting as we walked down the hall and locked the door behind us. We got to the top of the steps when Rob whispered, “Good luck. Be careful. That gangster is slick.”

I wouldn’t have used that expression to describe Anthony. The vibe he gave off was something along the lines of the world’s gloomiest dead-eyed mortician. Thinking back, I couldn’t say I’d ever actually heard him speak. He just kind of lurked around in the background when my father took me to functions at Don Diavonte’s mansion, just another of the don’s men.

I hurried back down the steps and began trying all the keys to unlock the door leading to the hallway. I didn’t know how much Anthony could hear from inside his cell, but I tried to jingle the keys extra loudly. It took me eleven attempts to find the right key.

Within moments I was standing outside the door that Rob had been guarding. I could now see the door was made of some kind of bullet-proof glass. I quickly began trying all the keys on the key chain as I whispered, “Mr. Akers, are you in here? It’s Aprilia. I’m here to rescue you.”

A familiar face flashed into view so quickly it made me jump. “I’m here. Are you really going to let me go?”

“Yes, of course I am. I just have to find the right key to open the door, if it’s even on this ring.” I tried two more keys in rapid session. “God, I hope the key to your door is on here.”

Anthony whispered, “Where did you get the keys?”

“I stole them from Storm’s drawer. He had a little freak out about something the prospects did and didn’t lock the door to his office. I let myself in, grabbed them, and got out.”

“They don’t see you as a threat here?”

“No, they bought the story.” I finally found the right key and the dead bolt flipped open. “Thank goodness for that.”

“Aren’t you worried about getting caught?”

“Yeah, of course I am. That’s why we have to be quiet getting you out of here. Their meetings usually last an hour. As long as I have enough time at the end to get these keys back into Storm’s desk drawer before their meeting is over, everything will be fine.”

“They’re going to suspect you first because you’re mafia.”

“I doubt it. They just think I’m some little airhead. I told you, they bought the story that I’m here to visit with Sophia, and soon I’ll go back home to LA and Nicco.” I tried to make my face look soft as I spoke about my fake fiancé. “Anyway, these guys are so preoccupied with organizing some kind of grass roots meeting to get everyone to stop paying their protection money to our don, that you turning up missing is just gonna be a blip on their radar.”

“What are you talking about? Why would they do something like that? It’s just a modest amount and all local businesses pay it.”

The key got stuck in the lock and I started wiggling and tugging on it as we talked. “I know, but folks around here aren’t used to paying it, and the Slayers are exploiting their naivete to cause trouble for Don Diavonte.”

I pulled the door open, and he asked, “What else did they say?”

I fought the cold fear that rose once I was face-to-face with Anthony. He still had that dead look in his eyes as he stood there waiting silently for me to answer him.

“They told me that eleven days from now, there’s going to be a big meeting at the crack of dawn. Storm told us he wants us all up at six to be there by seven. I told him I’m not a morning person, but he said it didn’t matter. They want their women there serving coffee.”

“That makes sense. Local business owners have businesses to open. If he wants their attention, he has to work on their schedule.”

“Well, I don’t like being manipulated into being the hired help.”

He grabbed my arm and jerked me close. “You’re doing a good deed by sneaking down here and opening this door, little one. But don’t forget why you’re here. Don Diavonte has spilled a lot of blood to take over this territory. You’re here to be his eyes and ears on the ground. So get yourself up early and pay attention to every single thing that happens.”

I tugged my arm from his grasp. “Lower your voice. I know why I’m here. I’m trying my best to do the job, but I’m not as disciplined as men like you, who’ve been trained and had experience spying. My father would turn over in his grave if he knew Nicco sent me into a dangerous situation like this.”

“You’ll be fine with all these gun toting war heroes. It’s Chester you have to look out for. He’s gone rogue and is looking for you. He didn’t take too kindly to losing out in favor of Nicco.”

“I know. He’s been sending me a bunch of nasty messages and threats on my phone. They all disappear after a minute or two, just enough time for me to read them. It was scary.”

“Tell Nicco about it. I’ll get word to Don Diavonte. Meanwhile, you keep your head down and don’t wander off alone if you leave the clubhouse.”

“Thank you, Mr. Akers. The last thing I want is to end up married to someone twice my age.” I turned to walk away, but he grabbed me and spun me around.

He stared at me for a second, like he wanted to tell me something, but didn’t think he should. Finally, he said, “Chester is his nickname. You know that, right?”

I shook my head, too scared to say a word with him gripping my arm so hard.

“What’s the only reason someone would have been tagged with the name Chester?”