“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that. Storm will make sure he’s locked down tight.”
“If you’re finished with me, I would like to go make sure Mason is okay.”
“Absolutely,” Hacker responded. “Go talk to your protector. Do what you can to help get the clubhouse put back together again. Thanks for your help, Aprilia.”
“You’re very welcome. If I can be of further assistance, just let me know.”
I walked out into the main room, but Mason was nowhere to be found. I went over to the bar where Rosie was cleaning the counter and setting a long row of classes along the edge.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” I asked.
“If you want to sweep up around the bar area, that would be a big help. As soon as the brothers set things right again, they’ll come back, shower up, and be wanting a nice cold beer. I don’t plan to disappoint them.”
I grabbed a boom from the corner of the room and began sweeping. There was some broken glass and debris on the floor, which I made short work of. After dumping the last of it in the trash can, I put the broom away and washed my hands at the sink in the bar area. Then we started serving drinks to the brothers as they began filtering in.
An hour later, Mason walked up to the bar still wearing his blood-stained clothing. Rosie slid him a cold beer and he drank it all in one go. I stood there watching his Adam’s apple move in his throat as he swallowed gulp after gulp.
After that, he looked at me and said, “I’m gonna grab a shower. Wanna join me, cher? We can talk afterward.”
My legs were moving before my brain fully processed the question. Within seconds we were in our suite with the door shut behind us.
I asked tentatively, “Are you okay? You didn’t get hurt, did you?”
He held up the palm of one hand. “Just a little burned from pulling on a lit fuse.”
“Well, let’s get you cleaned up and I’ll see if I can find some antiseptic ointment to put on it.”
He headed for the bathroom, glancing over his shoulder at me. “There’s a first aid kit under the sink.”
I stooped down to look into the cabinet under the sink and heard the shower turn on behind me. Now was not the time to be thinking about Mason’s ass, I chided myself. After the trauma of seeing people die, how could I even think of something like that? I needed to get a grip before I turned into one of the sad club bunnies who followed the brothers around drooling on themselves.
Irritated with myself, I stood up and turned around just in time to see him stark naked before he turned to step into the shower. I closed my eyes and silently counted to ten because my mind was a pretty messed up place right now.
Rushing back to the bedroom, I pulled out clean clothes for him. He was acting tense in the bar and uncharacteristically quiet while we walked up stairs. I took the clothing into the bathroom and found him leaning on the shower wall with both hands as hot water cascaded over his body and the room filled with steam.
He looked magnificent standing there. I cleared my throat and said, “I brought you clothing.”
My battered protector glanced at me over his shoulder. “I don’t need clothing. I need you.”
I didn’t even hesitate, just started pulling my shirt off. When I stepped into the shower, he moved back to make room for me. When he reached for me, I moved closer.
He ran his hands down my shoulders. “Is the water too hot?”
“No. I love it on the bearable side of scalding.”
He smiled. “Me too. All the steam reminds me of the swamps back home on a misty morning. It’s my happy place.”
I wrapped my hands around his waist and gazed up at him. “Do you ever think of moving back there?”
“No. Too many bad memories. After my mémère, died, nothing tied me to that place but a bunch of mentally abusive assholes who walked all over me during my childhood. Fuck them.”
“I’m sorry you went through all that. Now you have a chosen family with the Dark Slayers.”
“And with you because you claimed me,” he said in a husky voice.”
I nodded, feeling suddenly shy. “Yes, if you truly want me.”