Page 22 of Mason

Aprilia just stared at her for a long, hard moment and then snorted a laugh. “I think that might have been the furthest thing from my father’s mind when he named me after the vintage bike his dad handed down to him.”

Some of Lux’s anger died down. “But you’re into bikers, right?”

“Not particularly, but since I’m here…” Aprilia trailed off, leaving Lux to fill in the blank for herself.

Shooting a quick glance over her shoulder at me and back at Aprilia, Lux asked, “So, you’re really going back to wherever you came from?”

“Yeah, that’s the plan.” Aprilia held up her left hand so Lux could see her sparkling diamond. “My fiancé would be pretty unhappy with me if I wandered off with his family heirloom. I think it’s pretty safe to say I’m going back whether I like it or not.”

Lux took a step closer and examined her ring. “If I had a rich boyfriend waiting for me, I would not be hanging around the Dark Slayers clubhouse.”

Aprilia’s hand dropped to her side. “You sure about that? You seem pretty territorial over this one.” The dismissive gesture Aprilia made in my direction pissed me off.

Lux leaned over and whispered something into Aprilia’s ear. All I could make out were the wordscockandpinch. The only phrase my mind could come up with was that my cock would do in a pinch. I knew whatever she said, it couldn’t be nice based on the disapproving expression that jumped onto Aprilia’s face.

I stood and wrapped one hand around Lux’s arm. Giving her a gentle tug, I grumbled, “You’ve had enough fun at my expense for one night. Time to move the fuck on. I’m sure there are plenty of other cocks roaming around here that will do in a pinch.”

“Wait. What? That’s not what I—”

I gave her a little push and said gruffly, “Move the fuck on, Lux. Don’t make me keep repeating myself. You know how that pisses me off.”

She took a few staggering steps backward and flailed her arms to make it look like I shoved her.

All of a sudden, Storm was back. “What the fuck is going on here? You know better than to shove our bunnies around.”

I open my mouth to set the record straight, but Aprilia did it for me. “He didn’t shove her. He gave her a little push and she exaggerated it in order to make a scene.”

Storm shook his head as he stared at Lux. “What are you, twelve?”

“I told her that I was working but she wouldn’t leave me alone.”

Storm pinched the bridge of his nose. “Mason will not be available for the foreseeable future, so leave him the fuck alone until his assignment is over.”

“When is that going to be?” Lux asked. This was brazen even for her.

Storm stretched his neck, a clear sign of aggravation. “It’ll be over when she goes back to LA.”

Lux gave an indignant growl. “Why do the women from LA always get preferential treatment around this club? It’s not fair to those of us who have dedicated ourselves to the brothers.”

Storm raised his voice. “I’m suspending you from the club for the next three days just for annoying the hell out of everyone tonight. If another word comes out of your mouth, it’ll be ten days.”

I watched in disbelief as she grabbed her purse and stormed out the front door. I was bewildered about why she was pushing so hard to be with me. She hardly bothered with me until she saw me with another woman, then it was like she just had to have me. Just thinking about that was enough to give me a headache.

Storm turned to me and poked me in the chest with one finger. “I don’t know what it is with you and club bunnies, but you mix like oil and water.” He took a step back and ran one hand through his hair.

A perfectly manicured hand slid around from behind to hug him. Zoe leaned around and gazed up at him. “You did a good job, babe, now come back downstairs. Your woman needs you.”

His expression went from stressed to blissed out and aroused in an instant. Zoe glanced at me. “Pro tip for you, Mason. If you don’t put your hands on them, they can’t make it seem like you’re shoving them.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I replied politely.

Her eyes strayed over to Aprilia and she murmured, “I don’t know who you are, but I hope you didn’t instigate this drama.”

Aprilia frowned. “I guess that depends on who you ask.”

Storm turned and started nuzzling Zoe’s neck. “It doesn’t matter. Shit’s dealt with. Let’s get back to what matters.”

Storm guided Zoe away, and just when I thought it was over, Aprilia called out, “Thanks for the words of wisdom. Hope you have fun in the sex dungeon.”