Page 3 of Accidental Daddy

There’s an off chance she’s feeling horny tonight and was also looking for an easy lay.

“Not in the slightest,” she tells me, leaning back and taking a sip of her drink.

In a last-ditch effort, I offer, “Are you sure? I could have you screaming my name within the hour.”

She only smiles, holding my gaze.

I raise an eyebrow, disappointed. For a moment there, I thought I had her. But I’m still not ready to give up.

“How about we dance instead?” I try, though I know already I’ve lost this round.

“You should have led with that, my friend. Maybe not tonight.”

“If you change your mind, I'll be over there,” I suggest, unfazed, motioning toward Jared.

“Trust me, I'm good.” She smiles and turns away.

Leave it to a preschool teacher to let you down ever so gently.

Returning to Jared, he asks, puzzled, “What happened? You're supposed to be taking that girl home.”

“She wasn't into it,” I confess, a tinge of annoyance creeping in that Jared even pushed me to go over there.

Just looking at her, I should have known she was more on the prudish side. She’s young, and I might have been too forward.

“Well, don’t get down. There are plenty of women here tonight,” Jared tells me optimistically, head swiveling to find my next conquest.

“I’m good. I think you’re stuck with me tonight.”

“Well, cheers to that.” Jared lifts up his bottle, waiting for me to clink mine against his.

And I do.

I glance over to where Maria’s sitting. She is surrounded by her friends, who have returned with their drinks. I’m not even able to spot her anymore.

The chances of meeting Maria again are slim to nothing, and I feel disappointed.

I may not be able to have her tonight, but at least I still have my best friend with me, celebrating our wins.



“Ineed to get you in here more often.”

My dad swirls the last bite of chicken alfredo from his takeout container.

“If it means lunch, I’m in,” I joke, taking a bite of my own pasta.

But he’s right. I don’t see my dad nearly as much as I should for someone who didn’t move too far away from home. Things have been hectic since starting my second year of teaching, but with the first few weeks of the school year under my belt, I’ve gotten into the swing of things.

Well, as much as one can be when you’re working in a room full of four and five-year-olds.

“And how has the classroom been treating you?” he asks me as he begins to clean up our trash. He’s always been supportive of my choice of profession.

At first, he was hoping for me to take a more lucrative job. But he could tell how much I enjoyed teaching and has never made me feel bad about choosing that line of work.

“It’s been going well. I have a really good bunch this year. I’ve been trying to do more career-oriented activities with the kids, so right now, I’m looking for a volunteer to talk about their job,” I explain, almost having forgotten to tell my dad about my plan.