Page 24 of Accidental Daddy

At the thought, I pull away.

“What’s wrong now?” he asks, staring into my eyes with obvious concern.

I blush as I tell him the truth, “I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it through the rest of the day if you keep kissing me like that.”

And there’s that smirk again, the one that sets my panties on fire.

“Good to know.” He takes a step back, looking at me playfully. “Why don’t you show me what we’ll be doing today instead?”

I jump up in excitement as I grab his hand to lead him over to my desk.

Picking up the little human-shaped cutouts, I fan them out for Tyler to look at.

“All the kids are going to get one and color it with what they want to be when they grow up. We’ll hang it up on the bulletin board outside the classroom. Then we’re going to go around, and each student is going to explain what they drew and why,” I explain excitedly, finding the concept adorable.

“What will you have me doing?” Tyler asks, coming up to stand behind me as he looks over my shoulder.

“The kids will still have questions from last week, and they’ll probably ask about your job. But you only need to engage them in conversation about what they’re coloring. At this age, it’s easy to inspire them to pursue their dreams. Having an extra hand to do that is super helpful,” I accidentally ramble, feeling very passionate about this work.

Tyler gazes at me in silence and nods, his expression a stoic mask that reveals nothing of his thoughts. It's then that his dinner invitation rushes back into my mind, and I'm suddenly overwhelmed by the possible expectations he could have.

Am I ready to have sex with him?



“How about pasta? Is that too simple?” I ask Jared, scrolling through a list of online recipes.

Maybe spaghetti is too simple, but a shrimp alfredo could be good. That one’s hard to mess up.

“It all sounds good, Tyler. Why are you worrying so much?” Jared questions on the other end of the phone, being so kind as to pick up my call in the middle of the workday. “I don’t think she’s coming for the food.” He snorts at his own joke.

“I’m not worrying. I want it to be nice,” I explain, trying to convey how important this is for me.

I’ve never been this worked up about a date before. This is the first time I’m cooking for a woman. A nice restaurant has always worked its magic before, but this time, it doesn’t seem like the right move.

“And it will be. She likes you, and that’s all that matters,” Jared says, his wise words reminding me just how much older we’ve gotten.

“Your mom would be so glad to hear you give me such a sensible answer,” I point out, practically able to hear the way he rolls his eyes on the other end.

“I always give sensible answers,” he retorts.

“Yeah, yeah. Now, back to my drama. How does smothered pork chops sound?” I ask, seeing the recipe.

“It all sounds amazing. What you need to do is take a breath,” Jared says, sounding amused. “And buy condoms,” he adds, grunting at his own jest.

“I’ll take a breath once I’ve decided what to make,” I reply, not stopping my insistent scrolling.

“She must be good in bed,” Jared tries, and I narrow my eyes at the implication.

“It’s not about that. She’s kind, and caring, and she’s really adorable when she blushes, I can’t help but make her do it all”

“What has happened to you?” Jared cuts me off, seeming truly horrified at my words.

But I can’t help myself. It’s all true, and there are so many other things about her that I can’t even begin to name. The effect she has on me is completely different from anything I have felt before, and despite how scary it is, I can’t help but want to dive headfirst into it.

“Nothing has happened. I really like her. You can understand that, right? With Jessica?” I point out.