Page 10 of Accidental Daddy

The rational part of me understands he’s probably just busy with his job, but that side doesn’t seem to be in control at the moment.

So, when a little ping sounds from my phone as I’m about to back out of my parking space, I tell myself it’s a notification for something else. However, the entire car ride home, I’m tempted to look on the off chance that it is Tyler.

I don’t allow myself to do so until I’ve made my way up to my apartment. When I’m finally home, I set my bag down by the couch before slumping onto it as I finally peek at my phone.

The preview message on the screen reads:You must be stalking me to have gotten this number.

Despite not saving his number or remembering it off the top of my head, I know that it is, of course, Tyler.

I save his contact, sadly understanding that I will need it in the future.

Try again. My dad sent it to me. Unprompted, I may add.

I try not to wait around for replies, acting like some obsessive teenage girl waiting for her crush. Because obviously, I’m not a teenage girl, and I definitely don’t have a crush.

Setting my phone on my coffee table, I stand up from my couch, hoping to keep my mind occupied. I decide to take a quick shower and change into something a little more comfortable.

When I’m back from the shower, I find two new messages lighting up my phone.

I’m sure.

His first message causes me to roll my eyes. I can just hear that annoying, self-assured voice he always seems to use.

To what do I owe the pleasure of a text from you?

This one’s less irritating, but it seems like everything he does annoys me somehow. Hot Jerk still has jerk in it.

I sit down, trying to think about the best message to send. I want to get across how unenthusiastic I am about this arrangement.

I figured we’d have to talk about your volunteering at some point.

Once the message is sent, I toss my phone next to me as if it is on fire. How did I end up in this situation? I’m sure I could have done career activities with my kids all on my own. Curse me for trying to do something a little different.

Getting up again, I go into my kitchen, hoping to busy myself with making a meal. I’m halfway through building a sandwich similar to the one I had for lunch when something strikes me.

If I really,reallythink about it, the sooner I figure out a time to meet with Tyler, the sooner I can be done having this conversation with him.

With that in mind, I go back over to my couch, grabbing my phone before bringing it back to the kitchen.

Eager, are we?

His message is infuriating.

Under it bounces three small dots, and this time, I don’t set my phone down. Instead, I keep my eyes fixated on the dots, waiting for his next message to come in.

Finally, a new message appears on the screen.

What did you have in mind?

I didn’t really have anything in mind, I just knew I had to do this.

I set myself down at my counter, trying to formulate my next message. I hope to sound as casual and unenthused as possible.

Nothing really. Just wanted to see when you were free.

I don’t have to wait long for his next text, as one quickly pops up.

How about this Saturday at 6 pm?