"I wouldnt be called a daddys girl, if thats what you mean," I say. "In fact, Im not close to anyone in my family. My moms kind of in her own world and Ron isnt exactly the best father. I dont even have a cousin who likes me. Well, Besides your brother, but he cant even speak English. If he did he probably wouldnt like me, either. "

"You arent exactly the funnest person around," Osnat says.

"Are you kidding? I have a lot to offer," I say. "For example, I can show you how to put on makeup so it wont look overdone and wont smear. Im a whiz when it comes to hairstyles, I can even French braid hair. And I can beat most people I know in tennis. What have you got to offer?" I ask, putting my hands on my hips as I wait for an answer.

"I can ride a horse bareback and Im really good at dancing. And Im a great person once you get to know me," she says, absolutely certain shes won me over.

I can imagine riding a horse bareback isnt much different from riding in that Jeep on the rocks, but it does have merit.


"And I can tell you Avi has changed since he met you. He smiles now . . . something rare since his brother died. I guess I dont mind youve gotten together since you make him happy. "

We hug and I feel lucky to have a cousin who can ride bareback. And to be a friend, too.


The threat of taking something away makes us appreciate it more.

Two days later, all seven of us are back in the Jeep heading back to the moshav. Im anxious to see Ron and tell him I want a fresh start.

We all enter Osnats house and it seems like the whole neighborhood is crowded inside. And they all have their eyes glued to the television screen. I see my little curlyhead cousin Matan and Doda Yucky. I dont see Ron or Uncle Chime.

The mood is definitely somber.

"Whats going on?" I ask. I cant understand the newscaster who is obviously covering a very important story.

The house erupts with Hebrew, everyone explaining to Osnat, Ofra, Avi, Doo-Doo, Odead, and Moron what theyre so upset about. Except I dont understand any of it.

"Theres been a bombing," Avi explains to me after listening to the others. "In Tel Aviv. "

"Wheres my dad?" I ask in a panic. "Wheres Ron?" I need him now more than ever.

Avi pulls me into an embrace. "Amy, itll be fine. "

Tears fill my eyes and I say again, this time directing the question to Doda Yucky, "Where is he?"

I dont get an answer and I feel bile rising to my throat. I pull back from Avi cause I want to throw up.

"Your aba drove to Tel Aviv with Chime to deliver some meat to some restaurants there," she explains.

"Theyre fine, right, Doda Yucky?" I say, crying fully now and not caring a bit.

Tears are running down her face, too. "I dont know. Theres a lot of confusion. After one bombing, people ran to help . . . a second bomber . . . "

"Ohmygod," I say.

I may not know Ron well, but I definitely know if people were hurt, he would be one of the first to run and help. The second bomber . . . I cant think about it.

"We dont know where they are," she says. "The cell phone isnt working. "

Going into Osnats room, I frantically rummage through my backpack. In one of my jean pockets I fish out the Jewish star Safta gave me. The diamonds are shining back at me, almost as if telling me Im a Jew just like the rest of my family. Weve survived thousands of years even though weve suffered through most of them, I remind myself.

Walking back into the main room, I put my hands over my face. I dont want anyone looking at me right now. I feel so helpless. How many people were injured or died today? I feel sick just thinking about it. I try to push the image of Rons body lying in the street out of my mind. But what if hes dead and I wasnt there to help him? I need strength because I think Ive lost all of mine. I put my hands down and my gaze rests on Avi.

I need him.

I need him so much I dont know what to do with myself.

"Avi," I say as I run into his chest and hold him tight. "Please dont leave me; I dont think I can handle this without you. "

"Im here," he assures me in a soft voice as he strokes my hair. "And Im not leaving. "

Thats right, he lost his brother in a bombing. He must be rehashing the pain of his own loss. We can help each other through this.

Holding out the necklace to him I say, "Will you put this on me?"

We wait the longest hour of my life as Avi and I sit by Sofia in her room and avoid watching the news report. She tells me about her childhood in Israel and her experience when she first came to what she calls the holy land. Shes scared, I can tell. The loss of two sons would devastate her.

When the phone rings, I jump up and run to the kitchen.

Doda Yucky is on the phone, and she looks directly at me as she answers it.

My heart is racing.

"Amy," she says, and I lean against Avi for support as Im preparing for bad news. "Its your mudder. "

My mudder! I hurry to the phone and clutch it to my ear. "Mom!"

"Hi, sweetheart. I heard on the news theres been a bombing in Israel. Im just calling to make sure youre okay. Jessica called and shes worried, too. "

"Im . . . Im okay," I say, barely able to make the words out through my sobs. "But . . . I was traveling and Ron was in Tel Aviv . . . and we havent heard from him and Im freaking out. I dont know what to do. Were waiting for a phone call but. . . "

"Oh, no. This is terrible, I never thought--"

"Mom, I got to get off the phone in case he calls. "

"Okay, okay," she says in a panic. "Ill hang up. Call me back when you hear something . . . anything. Okay? And you stay put. I need you to come back to me in one piece. "

"I will, Mom," I say.

When I hang up, the phone rings again. I hand it to Osnat, whos as anxious and scared as I am.

"Ze aba!" she screams to the crowd after talking to the person on the other end of the line. "Hakol beseder!"

Avi picks me up and twirls me around. "Theyre okay!"

I cant believe it. I go into Sofias room and tell her the good news. I learn from Doda Yucky that Uncle Chime and Ron had stayed at the bombing site to help the forty-plus wounded.

Theres a lot of hugging and rejoicing even though were all full of sorrow for the poor souls whose lives were lost today in the bombings. Its a strange thing to be happy and sad at the same time. I dont know how Israelis deal with it all the time.

Avi waits at the front entrance to the moshav with me, along with Mutt. The little guy is lying next to me, almost as if hes my protector.

"I cant believe what happened. This has been such a nightmare," I say. "I almost lost my father. Before I really even knew him. " Its too scary to think about.

Avi says thoughtfully, "But you get a second chance. "

I lean against him. "Yeah, I do. And from now on Im going to make every second count. "

"Me too," he says, and gives me one of his amazing kisses to prove it.

When the gate opens and I see headlights from a car, I stand up. The car stops and my daddy, whose shirt has blood splattered on it, hops out and pulls me into his arms.

"Are you okay?" Im staring at his stained shirt.

"Dont worry, Im fine. "

"Aba," I say to him in Hebrew. "I love you so much. "

"Oh, Amy, I love you, too. "

I pull back and wipe my tears with the back of my hand. "Im so sorry I didnt say it before. I know Ive been treating you badly. I want you to be a big part of my life now. I want to be Jewish, too. And I want to learn Hebrew. Can you teach me?"

"Slow down, I cant catch up with you. Im still basking in the I love you, Aba part. " I see his eyes getting red and watery. "I never want you thinking I didnt fight to be with you, sweetheart. I screwed up real bad in so many ways. "

He wipes a tear streaming down his face and Im dumbfounded.

"I was hoping this trip to Israel woul

d change everything. I dont want to lose you to Marc. Youre my daughter, not his," he says as he embraces me.

Hes crying like a baby. So am I.

"I thought I lost you," I say as we walk back to the house, letting Uncle Chime drive back all by himself.

Avi has left us alone, too, giving me and my dad privacy.

"I lost you a long time ago, daughter. Im glad weve finally found each other. "

"Do you think you could find room in your apartment for me?"

"You mean it? Id love for you to move in with me. For a year. For weekends. Forever. Ill take whatever you want to give. "

"If youre not too busy with the Director of Homeland Security, that is. "

He chuckles and puts his arm around my shoulder. "I always have room in my house for my number one girl and dont you ever forget it. "

"You sure you dont have a girlfriend?" I ask.

"Not anyone important enough to bring home to my daughter. "

"I think you need someone . . . to take the edge off of you. "

"And who should I thank for taking my daughters edge away? Or maybe I dont want to know. "

"Hes been a perfect gentleman. "

"Who? Doo-Doo?"

"Can you see me with a guy named after feces?"

"His real name is David. "


"Doo-Doo is a nickname for David. "

Stupid nickname if you ask me. "Its Avi. "

Rons face is serious now. "Hes eighteen years old, Amy. And he lost his brudder . . . "

"I know all that. Weve helped each other during our trip and I. . . I love him. "

My dads jaw tightens and the muscle in the side of it starts to twitch.

"Its not like that. He respects me and I respect him. Maybe too much. "

"I have to get used to having a teenage daughter," he says.

I look at him straight in the eye. "No. You have to get used to me. "


You dont even know what you want until its put in your lap.

Well, its the day before I have to leave for Chicago. Avi and I are going on an double date with Osnat and Odead.

I glance at my cousin, who looks great now that Ive shown her how to put on makeup so she doesnt look like a dartboard.

Shes watching me pick out clothes to wear. I can tell by the way shes staring longingly at my Ralph Lauren sundress that she likes it.

"I dont like this dress," I say. "You want it?"

Her eyes light up. "Really?"

"Absolutely. It makes my butt look big," I say, and toss it to her.

I end up wearing a short, slinky, navy skirt and white top with frilly sleeves. Its the first time Ive dressed this nice since Ive been in Israel. I hope Avi likes it--all hes seen me in is jeans and shorts.

When I hear Avis voice in the hallway, my whole body is filled with anticipation and I cant stand it.

Mitch is really going to be pissed when he realizes Ive fallen for another guy, but it would be impossible to ignore the excitement I feel when I even think about Avi.

Just as Im about to walk out the bedroom door, my aba walks in the room. He sits on my bed and does a double-take. "Youre beautiful," he says. "Like your mother. It scares me. "