"Emily. Let me tell you this. I'm a man of my words and take my responsibilities seriously. Even if I just found out about this, she’s my daughter, and I'll never turn my back on my kid."

She nods, "Good. I'll arrange the paperwork you need to fill in before you leave." She stands up from her seat. "But one piece of advice for you, Cole," she says with a faint smile. "Get help when you're home. Having a teenager in your house can be quite the challenge."

"Oh, I'll manage, don't worry. How hard can it be?"



As I examinemyself in the bathroom mirror, I let out a tired huff. Bags under my eyes, check. Dull skin tone, check. After applying the foundation, I continue with the peachy rose blush to add a bit of color to my cheekbones and smile. Makeup is my savior today. I bring the long lash mascara to my eyelashes and cover my lips in my favorite red-colored lipstick. I've got many lipsticks in my collection—from soft nude to the fire brigade red—for every mood, a different shade. A loud bang on my wooden front door startles me and sends my lipstick flying over my face. "Fuck," I mutter as I glance in the mirror. Now I'm the Joker. I grab a tissue and wipe away the smear of color that's halfway down my cheek. Who in the—

"Alisha, open the door!"

I roll my eyes at Amanda's excited voice. "Keep your panties on, girl. I'm coming," I shout while running. When I swing the door open, my friend and boss strolls inside with an overly excited smile on her face.

"What's up with the yelling? Did you score a dick last night? Because that enormous smile on your lips is disturbing." Amanda ignores my grumpiness and walks to my kitchen. "I've found the perfect apartment for you."

For the first time in ten days, I sense a rush of excitement flush through me. After my call to the police station a police officer came by. He looked at the note and told me they could search it for fingerprints, but he doubted they'd find anything. And since the note itself is not a threat in which the stalker explicitly says he’s going to harm me, there’s really nothing they can do. The cop's advice was to ask the landlord to install a camera in the building or if I felt insecure or scared to stay with a friend for a while. After he left, I started searching for another apartment, but until now, I’d found zero. My sweet friends offered to let me stay in one of their homes for a while, but I refused. I will bother none of them with my problems. But this news is fantastic.

"Are you serious?" I ask, strolling to Amanda.

"Yep. They've accommodated the entire building with top-notch security."

"That is what I need. Where is it? How did you find it?"

"A friend of mine owns this apartment," she says, turning to face me. "Never thought of that possibility until Nick pointed it out to me on the phone."

I raise a brow. "You spoke with Nick about my problems?"

"Girl, he's my brother who's married to one of your best friends."

I let out a huff. "Okay, back to that apartment. To whom does the apartment belong?"

"Y-You've met him."

I narrow my eyes as Amanda fills a glass with water and hands it to me. I take it from her but keep my eyes on her face when I ask my question. "What are you hiding from me?"

"What? Me? Nothing. This place is the best thing you'll find. Non-residents can’t enter it without permission." Amanda bites the inside of her lip when she sees my cocked brow. "Okay, I'll tell you, but you need to promise not to freak out."

I place the glass of water on the kitchen counter and stomp my heel on the floor. "For fuck’s sake! Spill it, Amanda."

She crosses her arms in front of her chest. "The apartment belongs to Cole. I've called him, and we're going to visit him together, so you can ask him if you can rent that apartment." With wide-eyes and lifted brows, I blink as her waterfall of words lands in my brain.


"No! Not in a million years." I turn, but before I can walk away, Amanda grabs my arm and points her finger at me.

"Alisha, stop being such a goddamn stubborn mule. You want a new apartment, and I found you the perfect one. You only need to ask him nicely. What is the problem with that?"

I pinch my nose and close my eyes. Everything is wrong with that.

"You need to set away that goddamn pride of yours and accept help. That apartment is perfect for you."

I rub my hands over my face. My wish to feel safe in my house is sky high. But why Cole? That man's presence affects me in ways that confuse me.

"Please, Alisha, do this for yourself and your friends because you can't keep living here. And you'll thank me when you see the place. I promise."

God, this is a bad idea, but Amanda is right. I can't stay here much longer, and living in an apartment building with security would provide me a sense of safety that will help me sleep at night.