I raise a brow. "Who's he?"

She halts her movements and clears her throat. "Oh, I mean she. A girl from school. I'm trying to make new friends, so this is not good." With a quick wave, she heads for the door, "See you later."

Before I can reply, the front door slams shut.Well... okay.

Back in the kitchen, I press the button of the coffee machine, and as it pours my drink, the sudden prickling sensation on the back of my neck tells me I'm not alone anymore.

"Coffee?" I ask without looking.

"Why the hell was I sleeping in your bed?"

With a fresh coffee in my hand, I turn.Even in the morning she's strikingly beautiful.My mouth gets dry as I take her in while making my way over to her. Her long blonde locks are messy, and as she crosses her arms in front of her chest, her breasts get pushed up and emphasized in the tight top. I swallow when I notice her erect nipples pressing against the material.

"Stop staring, Walker, and start answering my question," she says while taking the drink I'm offering her.

I chuckle, and as I turn to make myself another one, I clarify, "I didn’t want to leave you alone after what happened last night." When I face her, she’s sitting on a barstool, staring at the brown liquid while tracing the edges of the cup with her fingertips.

"Did we sleep in the same bed?"

My mind drives to last night, remembering how she moved restlessly in my arms while murmuring incoherent things every few minutes after she’d fallen asleep. Every time this happened, I caressed her back while whispering to her, "You’re safe." This calmed her down, and after two hours sitting on the couch, I carried her to her bedroom, but the moment I laid her on the bed, she whispered, "Please, don't leave me." The plea in her voice made it impossible for me to abandon her, so I carried her to my place, where I laid her in my bed.

I turn my attention back to Alisha and answer without looking at her. "No, I took the couch."

"Oh, thank you." She brushes her hands over her blushing cheeks.Adorable. "Honestly, I slept amazingly in your bed. I'm used to waking up from nightmares, but I thankfully didn't," she adds while taking a sip of her drink. "Did you sleep okay on the couch?"

I clear my throat and change the subject. "I called the police station. They expect us there at ten."

She lets out a puff. "Cole, that wasn't necessary."

"Yes, it was. I want them to take the time for you, and by calling them, I made sure there is an officer available to talk to you when you arrive. We're leaving at 9:30 a.m., so make sure you're ready."

"Jesus. Stop acting like 'mother the hen.' There's no need for you to come with me. I can handle it myself," she sneers. I grind my teeth.Is she for real?I walk over to her and enjoy seeing her pupils react as I close the distance. I grab her chin and make her look at me. The tension builds and is almost tangible.

"Drop the 'I'm fine’ act. Because you, Alex, are far from fine."

She slaps my hand away and slides off the barstool. When she stands two feet away from me, she gives me a heated stare. "Back off."

"No, I won't. You need a reality check. You're hiding."

"Hiding what!" she asks.

"Your genuine feelings. You're acting like you didn't have a full-blown panic attack less than twelve hours ago. If I hadn’t been there, you would have been lying on the ground for the rest of the night." Her eyes dart shortly sideways. "You need to talk to someone about it, Alex."

"Oh, fuck. Now you're the same as all the others." She pushes her index finger into my chest. "I don't fucking need to talk to a psychologist. I'll deal with this in my own way, so… Butt out."

"No, I won't, Alex. Not after I goddamn had to hold you in my arms the entire night."

Her eyes widen. "But you said—"

"I lied, okay? I didn't sleep on the couch. We slept in the same bed."

She lowers her arm, and as she gives me a wide-eyed stare, I continue explaining, "Last night, you fell asleep in my arms on your couch. During this time, nightmares tortured you. After a while, I tried to put you in your bed and leave. But every time I tried, you pleaded with me not to leave you. So don't tell me you're okay, Alex."

Her nostrils flare, and fire blazes through her glassy orbs. "Fuck you," she shouts and runs off. I follow her through the hallway into the bedroom, where she pauses by the window. She keeps gazing outside as I place myself behind her.

"Alex, there is no shame in admitting you need help. Everyone needs help from time to time."

"Don't talk as if you understand what I'm going through. It's not like you ever saw a soul pincher." She snorts.