I place a finger on his lips. "What do you want, Cole?"

We stare at each other.

"You want my honest answer?"


"I don't want you to take a morning-after pill."

"Does that mean you're okay if we made a baby just now?" I ask, stroking a finger along his cheek.

His ocean irises hold mine, and heat fills my cheeks, causing his eyes to sparkle. He grabs my waist and pulls me on top of him as he falls back into the pillows. I straddle him, and when he takes my hand and intertwines our fingers, he speaks. "Adding another Walker to the world would make me proud, and I'm thirty-three, so this might be the right time." He places our connected hands on my lower abdomen. "The thought of you carrying our baby is sexy as fuck. You'll make a great mom. You're good with kids. Samantha is proof of that. She adored you from day one."

I lift a brow when I sense his manhood getting hard under me. "Wow, impressive, old man," I say, scraping my nails over his six-pack.

He smacks my bum. "We're going for another round."

Not complaining, I lift up on my knees and sigh with sheer pleasure as he enters me. "Let's enhance our chances of creating a baby Walker."

I tapmy hand on the counter, and Cole chuckles as he stands by the coffee machine. After the third round of major lovemaking, my handsome man offered to make me an omelet when my stomach growled loudly. After we got dressed, I sent Emma a message that Samantha could come home. I blatantly stare at the moving back muscles of my future husband as I sit at the kitchen table. I can't wipe the smile off my face. It's like I'm hooked onto an intravenous drip that fills me with every positive emotion on the planet. When he places a cup and a plate with a delicious omelet in front of me, I dig in. My taste receptors cheer at the flavors of the warm egg combined with the green salad.

"Oh, I needed this. I worked up an appetite after our sex marathon."

He takes a seat beside me and lets out a deep sigh of appreciation when taking a bite. "Yep, agree."

We devour our food in silence, and when I take the last sip of coffee, the front door opens.

"Hello?" Samantha calls out.

"We’re in the kitchen!" I return.

I smile at the sound of multiple sets of footsteps coming our way. And when Samantha walks in, holding hands with Charlotte, my face beams. "We baked more cookies," Smartypants chirps, pointing to the box Samantha is holding.

Nick comes in, pushing a stroller that holds a sleeping Liam. Emma follows, and she inspects my face, but my attention gets caught by Samantha, who speaks.

"And?" she asks, staring at her father. "Did you do it?"

Cole grabs my hand and lifts it to show the ring.

"You knew?" I ask Samantha, stupefied.

"He proposed?" Emma yells, staring at my hand.

Cole and Nick burst out in laughter at Emma and my shocked reaction.

"Yes!" Samantha yells with a smile from ear to ear. She runs my way and hugs me tight. When she lets go of me, I glance at her and ask again.

"You have known about this the whole time?"

"Yes. Dad asked me what I thought about him asking you to marry him. I said he had to do it because you two are perfect together. Nick knew too." Emma pats her husband on his chest. "Nickolas Brown. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Easy, angel. My best friend asked me not to tell you, and I kept my promise."

Charlotte stops next to me and glances at the ring. "Does that mean that you're going to adopt Samantha like Daddy adopted me?"

Samantha stares at the ground as a hue of red colors her cheeks.

"Hey, Smarty," Nick cuts in. "Let's celebrate that we're going to have another wedding."