The nurse places the blankets back and explains. "You got stabbed, and it punctured your kidney. The surgeon had to remove it."

"What? She swallows, and after blinking a few times, she asks, "Are my parents here?"

"Yes, and a few of your friends. I'll let them in, but when I come back with the painkillers, you both need to rest."

We agree. Jim and Clair, together with Samantha, cross the threshold first. Another lump sits in my throat, seeing Clair holding Samantha's hand.God, her parents are amazing.Samantha takes a stand next to me as we watch them hug and reunite with their daughter. Alisha sheds a tear when her mom kisses and mumbles something in her ear. Right after, Jim hugs her, and murmurs. "I'm glad you're okay, my ladybug."

"Me too, Dad."

Alisha glances at Samantha, who, to my surprise, hasn't said a word since she entered, but when I glance up, her eyes are a watery blue ocean ready to overflow.

"Sam?" Alisha whispers while extending her hand. "Come here, girl."

Samantha breaks and stumbles towards Alisha, who wraps one arm around my crying daughter.

"I missed you, sweetheart." These words only make her sob harder. "Shh, it's okay, Sam, let it out."

And she does. After a few minutes, Samantha dries her tears and looks up. "I love you," she states out of the blue.

Alisha's eyes sparkle. "And I love you. Forever and always, Sam."

My daughter smiles until Alisha narrows her eyes at her.

"Are you wearing my Gucci Baume à Lèvres Lip Balm?" she asks while glancing at Samantha's lips. Samantha's cheeks fluster as Clair and Jim let out a chuckle at their daughter's question.

"Yeah," she admits, touching her mouth.

Alisha grins. "Looks good on you. When I'm back on my feet, we will go shopping for new colors."

Clair and Jim say goodbye and ask if it's okay to take Samantha with them for a bite to eat at the restaurant. The moment they leave, our friends come bursting through the door.

"My god, Alisha!"

The girls rush to the bed, and I have to push my wheelchair back to make room for the parade of women coming my way. The guys place themselves beside me as we watch, intrigued by the girls’ reunion. After minutes of hugging and talking, it's Brian who speaks.

"Christ, a room full of sexy chickens is nice to look at, but boy, do they give you a headache."

The room falls silent, and I smirk, seeing how four women stare at Brian.

"Chickens?" Amanda says with a raised brow. "You called us chickens?"

"Oh, Amanda," Bella replies. "Chill. At least he called us sexy chickens."

Brian wiggles his brow and sends the girls his trademark smile.

"Dickless rooster," Amanda mumbles as she turns back to Alisha.

I chuckle, seeing Brian's bewildered expression. "What did you say?" he notes in a raised voice.

"She called you a dickless rooster, my friend," I repeat, enjoying his reaction.

Everyone laughs except for Brian, and when he wants to reply, the nurse enters. "Okay, I'm sorry, guys, but visiting time is over for now. Both your friends need rest."

Emma pulls a paper out of her shoulder bag and hands it to Alisha. "Charlotte made this for you."

Alisha grins as she stares at the drawing. "Please, give Smartypants a big kiss and tell her I'll see her soon. Who's with the kids?”

"They're at my parents’ house," Nick answers. "They send you their love."